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Special Definition Essay. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

definition essay

Objective 24: Be able to apply the steps of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revision, and publication) to develop essays.


Defining Special

1.       THE PLAN

Experiences with special occasions

Special parties

               Unique situations

               Unique people

Life experiences with special circumstances

               Everywhere I go

               At home, and school

Special cases people have in life



               Person intelligence

Thesis:  Special is the original and unique act or more important than other people or things.

Objective: Apply varied strategies for writing unified, coherent and well-developed introductory, body and concluding paragraphs to support a thesis sentence in an organized essay.


What is the word special mean? The dictionary defines special as "better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual or ordinary." (Special, 2019). Like the self-portrait you lovingly painted as a surprise for your friend’s birthday. Something special is looked upon with affection, surpasses expectations, or has an appropriate role. Special is the original and unique act or more important than other people or things.

            My first experience with special occasions is when I graduated from high school. After I graduated, my family and I went on a trip to Daytona Beach. I was excited that I was able to go to the beach because I love the beach water unlike I am not able to go swimming in the water because I am handicap and I can’t swim.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Special Definition Essay Name Institutional Affiliation Date
Special can be defined as "better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual or ordinary" CITATION Cam18 \l 1033 (Cambridge Dictionary, 2018)). In our lives, we do always have special occasions or special people we look up to. These people or occasions possess something unique that cannot be found in others. The unique feature makes us treat these people or opportunities with affection and we will always do all we can to meet their expectations.
At my age, I have attended a number of events that fit well into the definition of special. The first special experience I had was when I traveled to Daytona Beach after my high school graduation. It was special due to a number of reasons. First, we traveled with my family members. We also carried out several activities together to make the day remarkable. I do love beach water, and even though I was not able to swim since I am handicapped, I did enjoy looking the water waves moving up and down. These experiences have remained in ...
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