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Criminal Justice (Intro to Philosophy) Explain Newton's Law of Motion

Essay Instructions:
Please make sure the question has been answered not too much elaboration needed..Standard essay format, using a standard font and 12 point type size-no fewer than 300 words in length-read your answers and proof for content, misspellings, and grammar. Only ONE reference can be used and MUST ONLY be the book stated: Discovering Philosophy, Portfolio Edition, 2nd Edition, 2008 ISBN:10: 0132302128; 13: 9780132302128 Author: Thomas I. White Publisher: Prentice Hall Question is: Explain Newton's Law of Motion.
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Question: Explain Newton's Law of Motion.
Newton`s laws of motion comprise of three laws which form the basis for classical mechanics and describe the relationship between a body and forces acting on it. There are three laws associated to Isaac Newton. The three laws help in the understanding of how different types of motion are produced.
The first law states that, any object can continue to move in a straight line or remain at rest until some external forces act on it which may then make it to change direction or start moving. This implies that movement of objects or a change in direction of a moving object is caused by external forces. Newton`s second law of motion on the other hand states that, the rate in which an object will accelerate is parallel to the force producing it. The acceleration is also is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This can be summarized using the formula; F=ma (whereby F is the force acting on the body, m is the mass of the body and a, is the acceleration produced). This law is the most powerful of the three laws. This law helps in the quantitative calculation of dynamics. Here Newton ascertained that a force only changes the velocity of an object but does not maintain it. The last law of motion states that action and reaction on two bodies is equal but act in the opposite direction. When two bodies interact with each other, the forces experienced by the two bodies but experienced in different directions. This law is commonly used in propelling jumbo jets and rockets.
The three laws of...
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