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Essay Instructions:

Draw some general conclusions about your analysis. What were the most interesting results from your analysis and discussion... Analysis is Attached

Over the course of ten years, July, 2004 to June, 2014, traffic patterns traveling eastbound on I-10 have remained constant with the exception of a few noticeable differences.  From looking at the daily traffic data over the ten years, at first glance it is easy to recognize a decrease in flow and a high density of vehicles from the beginning of July 2004 to around November of 2005.  It is assumed that construction took place during this time and may have closed down a couple of lanes, causing this decrease of flow.  Once the construction was completed, it was observed that in beginning of 2006 traffic speeds were back to normal with all lanes open and flows increased to a very efficient level.  Over the course of ten years, the speed remained constant around 63 mph, so for most of the analysis the traffic patterns were noticed from the difference in flow.  Trends were then noticed on a yearly basis, and stayed fairly similar until the summer of 2014.   The only main difference that was noticed was that as each year went by starting in 2006, less and less people were traveling eastbound on the freeway.  It is assumed that over time people were taking different routes to where they needed to travel.  The amount of cars traveling eastbound kept decreasing for a few years.  Starting around 2009 until the summer of 2014, trends stayed constant on a yearly basis which can help predict the traffic pattern of 2015.  Considering for about five or so years heading into 2015 the traffic stayed constant and the patterns were similar, it can be assumed that 2015 will follow this trend.  

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Travelling patterns eastbound on I-10 have shown characteristics that can be said to show some similarities, as well as a few noticeable differences being caused by various circumstances. The analysis reveals a trend where there is a significant decrease in the flow and high density of vehicles between 2004 and 2005 due to the maintenance tasks that were being undertaken in the traffic department. The slow nature of traffic flow was associated to the construction work that led to the closure of a few lanes thus disrupting the normal flow of traffic. The trend of having slow traffic flow continued for some time due to the decision by some road users to use alternative routes to their destinations thus decongesting the eastbound freeway.
An interesting aspect of the data findings is that the traffic flow showed varying patterns across the months of the year. It is observed that the traffic flow was around 112,000 veh/hour between January and March while there was a significant increase in the flow between April and June. The increase remained fairly constant till the end of October. It was realized that there was high traffic flow during the summer where individuals and their families went out for holidays and other travel related activities. The trend established by the data beginning in July, 2012 up to June 2014 shows similarities inflow/density/speed relationships ass those availed from a theoretical perspective.
The traffic flow showed varying results when a comparison of the weekdays and weekends was conducted. Weekday traffic normally peeked between 8am and 6pm while the weekend peak was observed at around 4pm. During the weekday peak, the number of vehicles observed was between 28 to 32 while that observed during the weekend peak was 23 vehicles. The results associated with the weekend and...
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