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Making Connections Within an Essay

Essay Instructions:

The Longman Writer:

Making Connections Within an Essay

As you edit and proofread your essay, one of the final steps is to ensure that all the connections between your ideas are clear and logical. If your ideas are disjointed, it is difficult for readers to follow your arguments. This could make them lose interest in your essay. In contrast, a smooth flow of ideas ensures that your readers are able to follow your arguments to their logical conclusion.

In this Discussion, you read two essays that offer opposing viewpoints on the issue of immigration. For each essay, you examine how the author creates logical connections between his or her ideas. In addition, you distinguish between the techniques used by each author.

To prepare for this Discussion:

•Review the following selected readings in The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook: 

◦Chapter 9, "Editing and Proofreading" (pp. 117–125)

◦Chapter 18 selection, "The Border On Our Backs" by Roberto Rodriguez (pp. 454–456)

◦Chapter 18 selection, "Se Habla Entitlement" by Star Parker (pp. 458–460)

◦Part VI, "A Concise Handbook" 

◾"Comma" (pp. 626–630)

◾"Apostrophe" (pp. 635–637)

◾"Spelling" (pp. 645–648)

•Consider how the authors of the two essays present their opposing points of view. How are their arguments different and how are they similar?

•Think about how each author makes connections between the ideas within his or her essay. What editing strategies can you identify within their writing?

****** write2–3 paragraphs comparing how Rodriguez and Parker make connections in their essays. What approaches does each author take to ensure there is a coherent and logical flow between their ideas? Be sure to include the following:

•Identify specific connections in the essays.

•Cite at least two examples from your reading.

•Check for correct commas, apostrophes, and spelling.

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Making Connections within an Essay
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The two authors being captured in this context have divergent views regarding the immigration policies. Rodriguez is against the immigration laws that aim at discriminating against the influx of Mexicans and other Central Americans from living in the US on a permanent basis (Nadell, 2010). He argues that the laws that have been implemented by the government authorities are both retrogressive and discriminative in nature since they target people from one region. Parker, on the other hand, is in support of the immigration laws, which she believes have to be strengthened to curtail the Mexicans and other illegal immigrants from coming into the USA. She argues that the government in the native nations of the potential immigrants should roll out plans that can help to accelerate development to enable the citizens to say within their borders (Anson & Schwegler, 2008).
Rodriguez analyses the entire scenario of illegal immigrants from an ancient perspective where he cites that the brown people have always been discriminated against at the borders. He tries to connect the ideas between these border denials, harassment by the immigration officers and other issues to build up his case against such discriminatory policies. Parker on her side looks at the illegal...
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