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Commemorative Speech

Essay Instructions:

I'm looking to give a commemorative speech, which is a speech of praise and dedication for a specific person. And the person I want to dedicate and praise is Harriet Tubman ( you can use Wikipedia for your source) , I have indicated to use one source and that's Wikipedia. The instructor is very strict with plagiarism so please all the word structure or the whole essay should be from scratch . Please take care. 

So I ordered two page essay because the instructor has asked me to provide one essay that I will read out loud and the second one I will submit for her to grade. But they are the same topic but different structure.

1st essay is the one I'll read out loud to my class so its manuscript.

It should not deviate, it should envolve a research. It should not have introduction just go straight to the point( I'll give you some exanple essay.) a biography is required! , the speech essay should have poetic rythem. It should not be too informational but more conversational. I have 3 minute to read it so just the main points only.

2nd essay , this is the same topic, but this is the one I will summit so it has to be a little different.

1st it should have a title.

2, no introduction but we have to let her know who we talking about in the middle of the essay. So you will start with out mention the name of the person we talking about. (Will give out sample essay)

3, after the introduction it should have atleast three intangible ( thesis) 

4, use general devices to elevate the essay such as simile, metaphors, rhythm , parallelism, repetition, alliteration, antithesis,

5 never use cliche, ( over used expression) 

6,It should be reserch oriented 

7, it should be more of conversational essay rather than informative. 

Some exanple speech, 1, massechuttes 54

2, the survival 

3, make a wish

4, elie Wiesel 

I need this essay by Friday morning.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman
Even in the male dominated world, there are women that have set the trend for the rest of the world, beating all odds. They have changed the course of history with their endeavors to make the world a better place, not just for the womenfolk, but for every person in their generation and others to come. Getting global recognition as a woman is no mean fit and more so getting to be remembered in history is subtle and humbling at the same time (Biography.com, 2015).
Slavery has been one of the cruelest acts of human violence and undermines the basic rights of any human being. I am sure each of us has a story or several, where read, watched or heard in a conversation (Biography.com, 2015). They most certainly are stories of horror and underscore the most torturous of human suffering. For African American slaves, America was a prison (metaphor) but lucky for them Harriet had devised method to the madness (alliteration). Ironically to date, this practice is still rife in some parts of the world, where children are sold into labor camps, sweatshops and brothels against their will. Fighting against barbaric acts like these is the epitome of selflessness, relative to the amount of resistance one faces.
Born in 1822 in Maryland, Harriet Tubman dedicated her life to abolish slavery and fight for the rights the African Americans who were trapped in slavery against their will. She also worked as a union spy, after escaping from slavery in 1849 (Biography.com, 2015). She fought for the rights of the oppressed, in a time when African Americans were considered as lesser persons. At the time anyone that was suspected or found to have assisted slaves to escape would be put to death. She put her life on the line for the sake others again and again (repetition).
She helped freed slaves find work and get their life in order and organized the escape of others across the states. Working with other African Ame...
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