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Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens, Poor Health

Essay Instructions:

Description: This is a critical review essay, which will be based on the following article: Wendy Kubik, Carrie Bourassa and Mary Hampton, “Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens, Poor Health: the Legacy of Colonization in Canada,” Humanity and Society 31 (February/May 2009): 18-34.write a formal academic critique that clearly outlines the main issues raised by the author in the assigned article.

A formal essay includes the following requirements: 1. do not refer to yourself in the first

person (nor to “you” in second person), 2. do not use contractions, 3. do not use informal

or colloquial language, 4. ensure you have formal essay structure with relevant

Introduction, Thesis Statement, Body and Conclusion.

Students are required to begin their critique with an introduction of the article under review (and the general nature of the article). Your thesis statement, which includes your position on the author’s work, should also be within the introduction. Critical Essay This assignment must be 3 pages. double-spaced in standard 12 size font (Times Roman) only, with “normal” margins of 1” on all sides, top and bottom

(check your settings). Avoid extra wide spacing between paragraphs. 

Please ensure all pages are numbered. Sub-headings are not required. Use of Chicago Style referencing. Therefore, both endnotes a separate bibliography page is required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Stolen Sisters, Second Class Citizens, Poor Health: The Legacy of Colonization in Canada
Institutional Affiliation
The indigenous populations in Canada view colonization as one of the elements that have destructed the social structures in the society today. Several functions within the society such as child-rearing practices, family unit organization, spiritual and political life, social activities and work have been enormously affected by the prospects of the Canadian colonial systems. It is against this background that the essay on the "Stolen Sisters" seeks to disclose the essence of the author’s views. This paper explicitly aims to critique and determine the oppressive challenges that the Aboriginal women faced in Canada as a result of racism that accrued from the Canadian sexists during the colonial periods. The authors of the essay clearly point out[Amnesty International. 2004. Stolen Sisters: A Human Rights Response to Discriminationand Violence against Indigenous Women in Canada. Retrieved from; (/campaigns/sisters_overview.php]
Critique of the Essay
According to Amnesty International 2004, race and gender were used by the colonialists as a social construction that oppressed a certain group through marginalization and inequality. The idea of race was therefore utilized by the colonialists to manipulate and control the interests of the classes that emerged from the Canadian economy during the colonial period. The British advanced their objectives by defining the groups of individuals in Canada to assert their dominance over. Through this approach, they made sure that inequality remained an inherent aspect entrenched in the colonial policy.[. Ibid.1]
The authors of this literature also purport that during the period that capitalism was developing in Canada, the roles of the colonizers and colonies took a different turn. The first European contact that was systematically noted occurred during the phase of capitalism rather described as the merchant capitalism. During this period, the indigenous people and the colonies were valued and used as a source of wealth that was established when trading networks and relationships were enacted.[.Ibid. 2]
Within the context of Canada, this clearly explains the reason the British at some point accepted the Aboriginal people for the sole purposes of Royal proclamation. However, the advent of the industrial capitalism brought with it several changes that saw wealth as better accumulated through an industrial approach to production as opposed to the other methods of trade. This according to the context of Canada brought a new understanding of wealth, the control of lands, and natural resources that informed the decisions the create a new nation in the year 1867.[. Hampton, Mary R. and Bonnie Jeffery, Barb McWatter, Sheri Farrell-Racette, KimMcNabb and Lyndsay. Foster. 2002. "Strengthening and Building Sexual Health of Aboriginal Youth and Young Adults." Retrieved from ;( http://uregin...
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