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The Kings Speech

Essay Instructions:

Film to Review:

The King’s Speech


Specifics of Paper:

Use the Chapter provided & any additional outside sources

Double spaced

12 font size

6 pages of text 

Use APA to cite the film, the textbook, and any outside sources you might use


Viewing the Film


The purpose of the assignment is to apply what we are learning in this class.  It’s best to read the chapter before you watch the film and to have your “sociology student” hat on as you view it. Begin by identifying the social problem that is important to the film.  Take notes.  Analyze how key terms and ideas from the chapter (as well as other chapters from the book) will help you explain:  how the problem was created, how it impacts people, how the problem might be solved.


Writing the Paper


Getting Started:  

Keep in mind that you are writing an analysis of a particular social problem using its representation in a film to discuss the broader situation(s) it represents.  You will want to identify one or more characters and plot elements in order to explain the social problem.  However, the paper should not summarize the plot, or in any way devote much of the paper to describing the film. 


Identification and Cause of the Social Problem

Describe the major social problem depicted in the film. Use sociological key terms, concepts, and theories from the assigned chapter (and from other relevant class material) to provide a sociological analysis for the cause of the problem.  Explain what or who caused the problem and/or perpetuates it.   Chapters 1 & 2 will be helpful here, as well, as you learn about the political economy of social problems and wealth and power biases in the system.


Harm Caused

How are people and communities harmed by the existence of the social problem?  Who recognizes the problem?  Who doesn’t recognize it or denies it?  Why?



In the film what steps are taken to solve the social problem?  Are they effective or not?  Why?  Do you think the solution offered in the film is workable?  Explain.


Point of View

Is there a social, political, or moral point to the film?  What is the director trying to convince you of with the plot, action, and depictions of the characters?





Are the individuals in the film stereotyped by gender, class, race, sexuality, and/or occupation? Explain.  Would the story work if the races, sexualities, classes, or genders were changed?



Explain the lasting relevance of the film (or lack thereof) for understanding the social problem portrayed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Kings Speech

The individual model of disability views disabled people as those suffering from physical or mental impairment, and they are deemed inferior and deficient as well as incomplete as they are different from what is considered normal (Eitzen & Zinn, 2004Top of Form). Additionally, there is discrimination against people living with disabilities, as they experience segregation, and discrimination, they are viewed differently and called derogatory words while they share similarities with other minority groups (Eitzen & Zinn, 2004Top of Form). Social problems are the issues that people believe ought to be corrected in order to be more desirable. For instance, people who stammer are likely to be segregated as they are assumed suffer mental or psychological problems. This paper highlights the case of King George VI in the King’s Speech, his stammering/stuttering, impact of the problem on communication and his ability to inspire the British people.
Social Problem: 
In the film King George VI has to deal with the problem of stuttering while addressing the British people in the late 1930’s after his elder brother abdicated the throne (Hooper, 2011). There is concern that stuttering would increase the King’s social awareness because of anxieties and fears related to social phobia. There are hints that the source of the problem was the King being bullied as a small child. Given the need to war concerns and other issues to the public, it was expected that the King would exude confidence and confidence with no mistakes while talking. Since the monarchy was and is highly expected the charismatic character of the king was assumed to come naturally. One of the challenges in dealing with stammering as a social problem is that often people view the problem as the failings of the individual ignoring how the society and public in general compound the problem.
Harm Caused
Discrimination against people with disabilities potentially harms them as they become segregated from the public and are looked down upon. In the film, there are doubts whether the new King will represent the crown well, despite adhering to the moral guidelines of the British aristocracy. The King is conscious about his ability to communicate effectively with the listeners. As such, he suffers self-doubt and low self-esteem because of social phobia. It is as though, the King has been placed in a situation where he is was ‘forced’ to find a solution to the stammering problem. The listeners are likely to view the monarchy harshly if the King was to be remembered for his stuttering speeches.
The King’s wife advises the King to seek the advice of Logue a speech therapist who is tasked with helping the King overcome his stutter (Hooper, 2010). The King is expected to speak differently from the ordinary people, the failure to convince the audience reflects badly on the monarchy and the country as a whole. The expression of a language also shows the level of social inequality, and with the need to improve the King’s speech the therapist becomes critical to improve his language ability. The therapist’s technique does not seem to have significant impact in the early stages, but the later on the King is also able to overcome his stammer.
However, the film does not focus on the people’s reaction to the King’s changing language ability. The power of language in speeches is to inspire influence and demonstrate leadership abilities. Since the King is faced with a challenge of also changing the people’s perceptions, the changes are seen to invoke the triumph of people living with disabilities. This message is not clear-cut but it is expected that if the King can overcome stuttering then other people can also take the initiative to speak with little or no stutter. When provided with an opportunity to grow stammers like King George VI can make positive progress.
Point of View 
In the Kings Speech, Hooper (2010), focuses on the political and social points of view by highlighting on the art of language both aristocratic and therapeutic language. There is a link between class and language use in ...
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