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Book review-Freire

Essay Instructions:
This reading response must be solely the product of your own thinking and writing. In preparing this reading response, do not consult outside sources, including websites, AI, etc. The goal of this exercise is to engage with a difficult reading, and to think carefully and critically about some of the work the author is doing with language. Your response must include correct in-text citations, which means the author's name and specific page number, for any ideas that you refer to that come from the essay. If you do consult outside materials, you must cite these as well. Freire identifies a number of specific goals for education—what he thinks education should do for people. Among these goals, he suggests that education can help people “to become fully human." In the context of his essay, what does Freire seem to mean by this phrase? To what extent have problem posing and banking methods of education played a part in this? Be sure to support your claims with specific, detailed evidence. Please remember to specify the page number and author's name if you cited from the book, thank you.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Book Review-Freire Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Book Review-Freire Paolo Freire carefully analyzes the relationship between students, who he calls the listening objects, and teachers, who he refers to as the narrating subjects. The author asserts that education suffers from narration sickness, where learners are expected to master the concepts, theories, and ideas shared with them by their educators without understanding entirely what they are and their applicability in real life [Education is suffering from narration sickness] (Freire, 2009, p. 163). In my opinion, Freire is right in saying that education does not give students a good chance to exchange what they know or believe with their teachers. Instead, learners are only expected to know what they are taught without questioning how it became to be that way. Freire suggests that education can help individuals “to become fully human.” By saying this, the author means that those who become educated are believed to understand the reality of life, hence the perception that they become more human. Besides, Freire asserts that the teacher shares reality as if it were predictable, static, motionless, and compartmentalized. The educator’s primary task is to fill learners with his or her narration contents without minding their side of the story. The narration makes the students memorize things they are taught mechanically, which is why Freire says that they become “containers” to be filled [Narration (with the teacher as narrator) leads the students to memorize mechanically the narrated content. Worse yet, it turns them into “containers” into “receptacles” to be “filled” by the teacher] (Freire, 2009, p. 163). For example...
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