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1 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Brain and Language Relationship in case of Second Level Language

Essay Instructions:

Articles must be from a recent scientific psychology journal (within past 5 years). • Journal hardcopies are located on the 1st floor shelves of the Science Library near the copy machines. • Electronic journals are available through the Binghamton Library web site. • The article must be a primary research article (must contain “Method”, “Results”, and “Discussion” sections). • No review papers or meta-analyses. • Articles from Psychology Today DO NOT QUALIFY.• Summaries should address the questions listed in the Research

Participation Guidelines.

• Paragraph Format

• 1 Page

• Single-Spaced

• 12 pt Times New Roman font

• 1-Inch Margins

• Failure to comply with these standards will result in 0 credit.

• Include a cover page containing:

• Your Name

• Your B#

• Course Number & Section

• Instructor’s Name

• APA-Style Reference

• It is your responsibility to know the rules regarding academic

dishonesty and plagiarism.

• All article summaries will be submitted via turnitin

How many credits & pages is an article summary?

Your document will consist of 3 pages in a Microsoft Word document. Page 1: Cover page with identifying information (name, B #, course and section #, title, APA reference, etc). Page 2: The article summary can be only 1 SINGLE-SPACED page, no more and no less! Page 3: A legible copy of the first page of the manuscript. Each article summary earns you 1 credit, no more and no less!

Articles should be no older than five years, e.g. it is currently 2018, therefore the oldest year you can choose an article from to write on is 2013.

Brain and Cognition

Brain and Language


Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Science

Cognitive Therapy and Research

Behavioral Neuroscience

Behavioral Processes

Development and Psychopathology

Journal of Abnormal Psychiatry

Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition

Journal of Memory and Language

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Language and Cognitive Processes

Learning and Behavior

Learning and Motivation


Memory & Cognition

Perception and Psychophysics

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Bulletin & Review

Psychological Research

Psychological Review

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

can you also add one apa format title page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Brain and Language Relationship in case of Second Level Language Learning
Institutional Affiliation
Brain and Language in case of Second Level Language Learning
The reviewed article begins by providing a modern state of the SLA (Second Language Acquisition) in a historical context. Throughout the research, the authors evaluated the social, cognitive, and psychological impacts of the process. The author briefly explains the migration of the concept from purely a cognitive aspect, to social aspect and finally identifies is a socio-cognitive aspect of the human kind (Schutze, 2016). However, the increased levels of the globalization have revived the research in the SLA process. The globalization introduces the revised need for understanding and coup with the complexity of the entire world at individual levels. The research uses the analysis of the English speaking people and the impacts on the brains of the speakers.
The analysis starts by highlighting the structural differences between the two languages. For instance, in Spanish, the language realizes the number and gender, and the number of other elements using determiners and adjectives (Schutze, 2016). The English use number agreement to quantify both gender and number (Schutze, 2016). Moreover, it is an admitted fact there is a lot of difference between the learning capabilities of adults and teenagers. The younger people are able to learn the language and adopt native accent faster compared to their adult counterparts. The major reason behind this factor is the ability of young brains owing to elevated levels of morphosyntactic processing levels compared to the adults (Schutze, 2016).
The researchers, of the article, established an experimental tri...
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