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A Part Down is Better than a Blow-Up

Essay Instructions:

CRT 100.6 Final Essay Exam Instructions

The following passage contains an argument; read it carefully. Write an essay and

do the following:

• Summarize how the author argues for his or her conclusion and explain

your reasons for thinking that the author's argument is or is not persuasive:

• If you say that the author's argument is persuasive, describe a main reason

why others might doubt the argument and explain why it's not a good


• If you say that the author's argument is not persuasive, explain your main

reason(s) for thinking that the author's conclusion is true or false.

I uploaded the essay on upload option . please make sure you strictly follow the instruction. important case is PERSUASIVE OR NOT PERSUASIVE .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Part Down is Better than a Blow-Up
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A Part Down is Better than a Blow-Up
“A Part Down is Better than a Blow-Up” by Caroline Baum uses persuasive techniques to convince the readers that having a tight security at the airport is necessary. In summary, Baum justifies the need to embrace Israel’s security by explaining that despite the country being in the middle of enemies, it has secured its people. She convinces the reader by creating a scenario that could make Israel vulnerable, but it still succeeds because of their security system. The author’s arguments are persuasive because she is interested in luring readers into believing that the Israel’s kind of security is the best and superior to that of the U.S. She praises the kind of training received by the Israel’s military personnel and make it look like they are better trained in handling terrorism. Persuasion has been tactfully used by the author in different forms such as through the use of fear, rhetorical questions, hasty generalization, and appeal to the emotions to influence the readers into believing the need to have a tight security at the airports just like the one Israel has.
Baum uses persuasion to support her argument by appealing to the emotions of the readers. She says convinces the readers that unless the idea of tight security is embraced, they may be blown up. Baum understands that everyone fears being blown-up and telling them that they will be blown-up is a way of persuading them. Baum alerts the reader and appeals to the readers' emotions right at the beginning of her text in her title "A Pat-Down is Better than a Blow-Up." The use of unwarranted fear induces scare tactics that can influence the readers to accept her opinion of tighter security otherwise they risk being blown up. The readers can support her argume...
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