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Self Awareness Introverted Intuitive Thinking And Judging

Essay Instructions:

Prompt: the focus of this paper is self-awareness. You

should use a variety of data and instruments (TKI, Strong, MBTI, Hogan, VIA,

Leadership 360, Values and Needs from excel survey) to clearly describe who you

are, what makes you unique, your strengths and weaknesses including what you

might need to manage about yourself to be successful.

Please see all the attachments i post, very useful.

Start with this link: http://www(dot)humanmetrics(dot)com/personality/intj-type?EI=-34&SN=-31&TF=3&JP=1

(personality test, my result is INTJ, please see the relative links on the page, lots of resources to use)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Introverted Intuitive Thinking and Judging
Self-awareness as an Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging (INTJ)
Personality test
INTJ is a model that shows my intended approach to self-analysis that is vital in both my career choice as well as career development. The INTJ is significant because it helps me to merge important strengths and important weaknesses besides key opportunities to show me where and how I should go to where I am supposed to be. I used INTJ to carry out personal evaluation test that yielded my self-awareness.
Personal Strengths
I admit that the result of this test is near perfect reflection of my personality. I am a person field with great ambitions and thoughts at work. I keep in mind that each situation has pros and cons and my objective is to have a successful accomplishment. I acknowledge that the test revealed my introverted personality and it is my wish that the character becomes a strength in my work. I have a passion for developing strategies. Therefore, thinking and working strategically has been my strength at work.
I think I have a higher reference for being an introverted person and I don't regret it in any way. As an INTJ, I enjoy working in areas where intense intellectual effort is required. I consider myself lucky to be more of an introvert as it minimizes the time I focus on interaction, but instead, divert this energy into work. Also, I have always found myself performing excellently where an environment poses intellectual challenges. The creative approach has always become the right tool for me to handle such critical situations at work. I consider myself a successful INTJ because most times, I have always worked in many technology companies that utilize research and applies computer science to greater extents. I can say that I am lucky to be an INTJ because it enabled me to acquire managerial maturity at a younger age. The early managerial quality does not conflict with my childhood dream in any way.
Most of the time, I display self-confidence in my work and presentations. Sometimes people take this self-confidence as being arrogant. I consider such people to be less decisive such that is their subjective view. The self-confidence comes from specialized knowledge systems that I started developing and building at early ages of my life. Many people in my previous workplaces have always appreciated me for being able to tell them without hesitating if I can offer them help or not in my area of expertise. When I do this, I am always in a position to state the manner in which such help would be executed.
I have always worked towards being perfect and displayed the endless capacity to improve anything that I feel that is capable of taking my interest. It is a fortunate thing about me that before undertaking any task, I always ensure that what am about to execute can work through prior research. My ability to synchronize such research to the prevailing norms has even led to the production of excellent and perfect results.
I was taught to respect authority at work and learning environments. However, I always don’t hesitate to lose my respect for any authority or supervisor who does not have morals as well as those who disregard the authority. Moreover, I can as well inform those in disregard of the authority or the authorities themselves who do not respect themselves and workers about such undoing.
Moreover, it is my strength to execute implementation of critical decisions without necessarily consulting with the co-workers or supervisors. This is because I do only what I know and confident about. This is especially practical for me only in the worlds of science, engineering, and technology. I am never limited intellectually and incisively in an academic field related to science and technology.
I would say that I am lucky to possess the strongest asset of an INTJ of being intuitive. The intuitive abilities enable me to synthesize possible meanings of certain facial expressions, turn of faces and tonal variations and changes. Furthermore, I can also take time to understand and give support to those I care about because I can always understand them from an intuitive perspective.
I believe that rules and regulations set at the workplace require strict adherence to achieve goals. As a result, I easily find myself upset when my supervisors lead in failing to adhere to organizational rules. Most of the time I have an appointment, I receive praises from those involved for punctuality. That has defined me as a punctual personality, both at places of works and whenever I have an appointment. I enjoy a moment of active engagements in active fast-paced jobs. I like decisions made based on situational analysis rather than those made relying on personal feelings. This has made me a person who mostly rely on intuition for learning rather than feelings.
Moreover, I also believe in decisions that are flexible. That is decisions that are subject to change depending on the prevailing circumstances in technology, science and even at places of works. As a result, I have acquired the trait of acting immediately whenever faced with situations at work rather than focusing on the speculative options available. From my scientific knowledge and skills, I was trained that pondering the root cause of phenomenon and things is the best way to find a lasting solution to situations. I trust a rational outcome rather than basing the actions on feelings. This is because I believe emotions and attitude always guide feelings and the combination of the two cannot produce good results. Besides, my personality is conditioned such that I give preference to prior planning as opposed to the improvisation of results. As a result, I plan for actions in advance.
Although I am an introvert, I often think of the destiny of humankind, particularly people who I care for. I have great sympathy for people who I feel are under oppression. However, where justice is required, I hold a stronger preference for justice for people at the expense of mercy. As I do this, I would always put a very minute of mine to carry out a productive action at work. This makes me feel some disgust when I see both workmates and supervisors spend most of their time in actions that do not add value, and instead, waste much of the company's productive time — the personality test that I carried revealed that am one person who often contemplates complexity of life and am proud to be that character. The character is important in shaping up my analytical skills towards how I view every step of life. Sometimes I work in a hurry to ensure that I beat deadlines and to avoid late accomplishment of tasks. One of the reasons behind quick accomplishments is because it is always easier for me to identify the general principle behind specific occurrences.
I would feel safe to proceed with action only after getting a clear plan of what I want to do. The fact that I have always wanted to be directly involved and being at the center of attention creates leadership traits in me. According to the revelations of the personality tests, a person who would enjoy when he becomes the center of attention and involvement is a natural leader. I would therefore not hesitate to assume any leadership role at the workplace. My focus in the career is to become a manager who is in a position to drive my workplace objectives.
As an introvert, socialization with other people is not a priority to me. That is why I find it prudent to stay home and read books rather...
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