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Compare The Ways That Hindu Puja And The Catholic Mass Engage The Five Senses

Essay Instructions:


The Mass

Hindu Puja


sign of god, crossing, fire, scripture of the God. There are father lead the mass,

see a shine on street . can see the process .fire can see beautiful paplace


people sing the song,read

bell ring in the puja.

singing during the ceremony.


there is no smelling,usually smells the environment

incense to the god


the cookie has no taste but considered as the gift from god

when you eat , god exists inside your mind


handshake means love and peace

bathing, water in the ceremony,dressing the god , god dressed

Compare the ways that Hindu Puja and the Catholic Mass engage the five senses. (your answer should be 1-2 paragraphs, double-spaced)

Compare the hindu and catholicism , we know has the mass and puja are the most popular form of divine worship in their religion .Visually, christians need priests to preside over a mass. Hindus can see priests coming to preside over mass. They can see lights and fruit display. Hindus hear bells ringing in temples and sing songs at ceremonies. Catholicism may have a little candle smell in terms of smell, but it doesn't smell much overall. Hinduism burns incense to the gods. In taste the Catholic church has cookies, but cookies are tasteless, and it's known as a gift from god. And god is in your heart when India teaches you everything to eat. Catholic people shake hands, which means love and peace. But the Indian church sprinkles water to represent the changing of clothes for the gods.

Through the comparison between the two religions, we can find that people connect with god in different ways, so that their spiritual world can be communicated.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare the ways that Hindu Puja and the Catholic mass engage the five senses
For many today, the Catholic Mass and the Hindu puja are very fulfilling in terms of establishing faith. Consequently, Hindus worship one God who they believe is a spirit, but believe this can take different forms thus representing all the five sense in human. On the other hand, the use of the five senses has helped members of the Catholic Church to encounter the Lord more deeply. Therefore, the use of all five senses is central in worshipping as it shows that the whole person (not just a part) is involved in worshipping God/gods. Hence, both Hinduism and Catholicism are religions for all senses.
The use of incense in catholic masses dates back to St. John as he described his vision of the heavenly worship. Consequently, Catholic masses incorporate the use of incense during the Mass to symbolize the smoke of purification and sanctification. On the other hand, Hindu puja uses the sweet scent from flowers and incense to welcome God in the temple. More so, during puja, incense is understood to represent the prayers of the faithful rising to heaven. Therefore, through smell, worshippers in both religions can easily recognize that they have entered into sacred as incense scent is not smelt just anywhere.
In terms of touch, the Murti (the statue of God) is washed and dressed before puja begins. This act indicates that God is pure thus the worshippers must also be pure before his presence. On the hand, the Catholics fully realize the sense of touch through the frequent posture of kneeling at the foot of the altar until the reading of the Gospel. However, touching is most notably realizing while receiving the Holy Communion as the faithful are required to kneel. Con...
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