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Important Role of Women in Maintaining Love by Overcoming Emotions

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video about Carrie Mae Weem's photography from the Kitchen Table Series and the video about Cindy Sherman's photograph from her Film Stills series. Answer the following questions. How have both women approached themselves as subjects in their work. How is the narrative of Carrie Mae Weems different from the narrative of Cindy Sherman? How are they the same? How are both photographs like performance? Where does each of the two women place the view and why does that matter? How do both women address the idea of beauty and the role of women in the world? Use evidence from the photographs and have a clear thesis.
Carrie Mae Weems Kitchen Table Series VIDEO URL
Cindy Sherman Film Stills series VIDEO URL:

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Film stills series
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Film stills series
Carrie Mae Weems and Cindy Sherman created stills series in1980s where by every actor communicated different and similar messages in different ways. Carrie Mae Weems shot stills photographs from one edge of the kitchen table where by she staged herself as the main character to show the theme of love, solitude, family and friendship. Cindy Sherman film displayed different themes where she staged herself as the main subject. Cindy Sherman film displays theme of beauty, emotions and love for the nature. The two artist are main subjects to their film because the audience have the ability to connect to the story told by each artist.
Carrie Mae Weems narrative differ from that of Cindy Sherman because it highlights a black woman activities, emotions and love in different occasion but in the sam...
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