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King Claudius to his step-son, Hamlet: Act I, Scene ii, lines 87 - 117

Essay Instructions:

This portion assesses your ability to analyze a passage in Shakespeare and translate the language into modern English. Your abilityto translate Shakespeare’s English, and work to understanding it on its own merits, is instrumental to analyzing and enjoyingHamlet.Again, this activity depends on your reading Acts I and II with great care (see link provided above). In particular, you should payattention to where advice is given. Most notably, advice is given in the following passages: King Claudius to his step-son, Hamlet: Act I, Scene ii, lines 87 - 117 Laertes to his sister, Ophelia: Act I, Scene iii, lines 1 – 51 Polonius to his son, Laetres: Act I, Scene iii, lines 55 – 81 Polonius to his daughter, Ophelia: Act I, Scene iii, lines 115 - 135Selecting ONE of these passages, summarize the advice given using modern English. If you need a refresher on summary, pleasesee the brief article in the Purdue Online Writing Center (OWL) on summary.After selecting and summarizing the text, reflect on the nature of the advice. If the speaker in your selected passage was speakingto you, how would you respond? Would you be offended? Would you take this advice – why or why not?Next,Create substantive reply to the post listed below. Your response should be no more than 150 words each).Post #1By: Matthew C.Advice: King Claudius to his step-son, Hamlet: Act I, Scene ii, lines 87 – 117King: ‘It is good that you mourn your father, but every male loses a father. You should morn for a while, but to go for too long is stubbornness. Itshows a weak and simple character. Death is normal and must happen.Think of me as your dad. I love you as a son. We do not want you to go off to school, but to remain here.’ (Shakespeare, Ham I.ii.87-117)In Hamlets situation, knowing that his father was killed by his uncle, we can see the deception in advice. The uncle would say and act any part in orderto cover up the murder of his brother. He wants to move on and forget it happened. He wants Hamlet to forget about his father and embrace his uncleas a replacement father. For this situation it is good that Hamlet questions his uncle’s advice and I would do the same.If the situation were different, where the father was not murdered and both the uncle and mother had properly grieved, then this advice might be a littlemore relevant. Death is a normal occurrence. It is terribly sad, but at some point if you do not move on you will enter into depression. We need toappreciate the people we still have and move on. To hear this advice would at first seem offensive. It probably would not be until you started getting outof the depression that you would start to see the truth in it. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

King Claudius to his step-son, Hamlet: Act I, Scene ii, lines 87 - 117
In the advice that the King is giving to Hamlet, there are quite some sensitive elements that come up. This is with regard to the fact that the king has lost his brother and he is insisting to Hamlet to move on with his life. In his advice, the King mentions that every son loses a father and while it is okay to mourn, it is important that one does not do it for long (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017). He even goes ahead to show Hamlet that he will be violating the dead and even the heavens if he continued to mourn his father. This is unacceptable given that, the king is trying to trivialize the death of his brother. In such a situation, I would not take the advice given the situations surrounding the death. It is offensive that the king is trying to cover up the murder of his own brother (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017).
Laertes to his sister, Ophelia: Act I, Scene iii, lines 1 – 51
When Laertes is speaking to the sister on the account of the affair that they have with Hamlet, there are some element of sound judgement. Hamlet being loyal to the family name, had the weight of trying to please the people (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017). As such making decisions was not as easy as it would have been for the normal citizens. This is good advice and being in the same situation, it would be important to get insights from a sober party. Love tends to be blinding and as such, when one is seeking advice it is always important to seek the same from persons that best know you and have the best interests at heart (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017). As such, this would not be considered as offensive advice as it is sober and with some inclination of truth.
Polonius to his son, Laetres: Act I, Scene iii, lines...
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