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Should Genetic Engineering in Humans be Legal?

Essay Instructions:

Find a example of good reputable Scientific.

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Essay: Assignment and Guidelines The assignment is to produce a six-seven page philosophical essay, including bibliography. s (1) You will decide on a paper topic/subject of research which you will submit for approval by your teaching assistant by Friday, February 12 (5% of total grade). This will include a statement of the topic of the research you are looking into, the hypothesis that is being tested, how it has been tested, and a link to the online source where you found this research. (2) You will turn in a 5 page draft via Canvas by Friday, February 26 (10% of total grade). You will get full credit for this draft so long as it is submitted on time, is in reasonably good shape, and includes all of the required components. Canvas will assign you a peer review partner after drafts come in. (3) There is a mandatory peer review questionnaire that must be completed and submitted both to us via Canvas and to your partner by Friday, March 5 (5% of total grade). You will read your partner’s draft and complete the peer review questionnaire (available on Canvas). Questions about peer review partners should be directed to your teaching assistant. You will get full credit for the peer review so long as it is submitted on time and answers all of the questions. Late peer reviews will not receive credit. Please contact your teaching assistant (Ryan or Chanwoo) if your peer does not send their review on time. (4) You will turn in the final (6-7 page) version of your essay via Canvas by Wednesday, March 10. Your paper should be submitted there as a .doc attachment (15% of total grade). The grading rubric may be found at the end of this document. For every 24 hours work is late, 5 points will be deducted from the grade. This applies to everything except the peer review questionnaire which will not be accepted late. Early submissions are encouraged. Instructions Students will work on their own to find an example of good, reputable scientific research. Students should start by finding a popular or semi-technical description of the research that they can understand, reported in an online source such as The New York Times Science Section, Scientific American, www.sciencedaily.com, Nature magazine, Science magazine, etc. From there, students should use our online library resources to acquire the real scientific article or articles where this research was published. 2 Your goal in this paper will be to a defend a thesis concerning the roles of contextual values in this research and its implications concerning the work’s objectivity and status as “good” vs. “bad” science. Examples of theses you might defend are: • This case of research crucially involves the influence of contextual values, and yet this doesn’t undermine the objectivity of the work, because we can understand scientific objectivity in a way that doesn’t require the autonomy of science. • This case of research crucially involves the influence of contextual values, and this undermines the objectivity of the work. Even though some like Longino have argued that we can understand scientific objectivity in a way allows contextual values, this is the wrong way to understand scientific objectivity. Yet at the same time, the fact that this research is not objective does not mean it is “bad science.” • This case of research may appear to involve the influence of contextual values in the scientific process, but actually it does not. Perhaps contextual values come in “externally” but not “internally” and so we preserve the “integrity of science.” For this reason, the work remains objective in several different senses and this is why it is good science. Formatting: Double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman Papers must include the following: • A clear introduction summarizing what you will do in this paper that clearly states the thesis. This thesis must be stated explicitly within the first page of the paper and defended consistently throughout the paper. Don’t get off track or digress. • Section headings and page numbers • Definitions of all technical terms (e.g. ‘contextual values’, ‘the autonomy of science,’ etc.) • In-text citations to any claim or concept you get from a source (These should include both author names and page numbers) • A clear description of the research you are discussing, accessible to a layperson. This must include a description of: (a) the overall subject matter of the research, (b) the specific hypothesis that is being proposed, and (c) how this hypothesis is being tested (what is the evidence supporting it as true or showing it to be false). • A clear statement of where it is most plausible that contextual values are influencing the research. What are the values in question? How exactly are they (or would one think they are) influencing the research? • An explanation of why an intelligent person might think this undermines the objectivity of the research. This should include a clear statement of several different interpretations of what is meant by scientific objectivity, including Longino’s. • A clear defense of your thesis (see options above) and what this entails for the research’s status as “good” or “bad” science. • A conclusion clearly summarizing your results, and where this leaves us more generally on the question of the relationship between science and values. • A complete formal bibliography written in a consistent style. It is ok to only have a few sources. But you must cite all sources you use and list these sources in the bibliography. 3 Important: following the university’s policy on academic honesty, you are expected to work on these papers on your own. If multiple papers submitted for this assignment have overlapping content, all students involved will be subject to investigation. Grading Papers will be assessed on the basis of five aspects. It is recommended that students use this grading rubric as a guide to help improve their papers. Doublecheck that all requirements are met before final submission. Clarity 30% Have you clearly expressed the research, views, and arguments you present? Have you clearly defined all terms and concepts? Do you illustrate difficult points using good examples? Is every sentence in your paper grammatically correct? Comprehensiveness 20% Have you met all of the requirements of the assignment? Do you have an argument? Have you presented all of the positions and concepts you need to present in order to state your argument? Have you applied the principle of charity in order to present opponents’ positions accurately? Have you cited your sources using dates and page numbers? Does the paper contain a complete and consistently formatted bibliography? Rigor 20% Do you offer supporting arguments for the claims you make rather than merely stating your conclusion? Do you defend your own points in a clear way? Organization 20% Is your paper clearly structured and organized? Is it always evident to a reader what you are doing in each section? Is it clear how every sentence in your paper fits into and helps your larger goal? Originality 10% Have you thought about a good way to present the debate to your audience? Have you presented an original and carefully-thought-out position on the argument, as opposed to merely rehashing ideas from the lectures and discussion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should genetic engineering in humans be legal?
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Should genetic engineering in humans be legal?
Scientists have registered considerable success with genetic engineering, especially in plants. In essence, genetic influence health and disease, including human traits and behavior. Scientists have used genetic technology to unravel the genomic contributions of different phenotypes. The objective is to genetically engineer humans to have some desired characteristics. However, the likelihood of human genetic engineering being actualized faces several ethical and legal questions. For a long time, the idea using genetic engineering techniques to solve humanity’s inherent deficiencies has emerged. But with CRISPR/Cas9 technology, possibilities are endless.
In one study, researchers described a novel method for manipulating the genetics of a human fetal testis. This research utilized a short-term in vitro culture, a process that was succeeded by long-term xenogra...
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