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Life Sciences
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Bioreaction: Life Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Bioreactions (i.e., fight, flight, freeze, or appease) include quick responses to stimuli or threats that are dangerous and fearful experiences, many of which are caused by social interactions. Bioreactions help the brain reinforce certain pathways. This is one way to learn. Some pathways then associate that past reaction with similar events. The fear response may then become associated with other non-fearful events. Because the brain is so good at making these associations, we are not even aware of the miscue.

Bioreactions are automatic responses that happen within 11–14 milliseconds. In most cases, they are not under your control. However, you can learn to become aware of when you are experiencing a bioreaction by paying attention to what is going on in your body.

To become aware of your bioreactions, it may be helpful to ask yourself the following questions:

• What event/experience led to the bioreaction?

• What emotions did you feel?

• How did your body react?

• What, if anything, did you do differently when you noticed you were having a bioreaction?

• Why is it important for you to be aware of your bioreactions?


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Note: Complete the Learning Brains and bioreaction material found in module 1 in your course of study before completing this task.

A. Describe a time when you were in a social situation that triggered a bioreaction(s) by doing the following:

1. Describe the environment around you before and during the bioreaction(s).

2. Describe the stimulus (which the amygdala interprets as a threat) that triggered the bioreaction.

3. Describe the bioreaction(s) (i.e., fight, flight, freeze, and appease) you experienced.

4. Describe the physical sensations (e.g., sweaty palms, tight muscles) you experienced in your body when you became aware of the bioreaction(s).

5. Describe the feeling(s) you experienced in the social situation before, during, and after the bioreaction(s).

6. Describe what you would do differently to successfully navigate this type of reaction the next time you experience a similar social situation.

a. Reflect on why it is important to react differently when you experience this bioreaction.

B. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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A description of the environment before and during the bioreaction(s) is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE

The description is missing details or includes unclear details about the environment before and during the bioreaction(s). COMPETENT

The description of the environment includes specific, contextual, and sensory details about the environment before and during the bioreaction(s).



A description of the stimulus or threat that triggered the bioreaction(s) is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE

The description is missing details or includes unclear details about the stimulus or threat that triggered the bioreaction(s). COMPETENT

The description contains relevant and specific details about the stimulus or threat that triggered the bioreaction(s).



A description of the bioreactions(s) experienced is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE

The description reflects limited awareness of specific bioreaction(s) and includes minimal details of the candidate’s personal experience. COMPETENT

The description reflects awareness of specific bioreaction(s) and includes specific details of the candidate’s personal experience.



A description of the physical sensations experienced during the bioreaction(s) is not provided. APPROACHING COMPETENCE

The description demonstrates a lack of awareness of the specific physical sensations that occurred when the candidate became aware of the bioreaction(s). COMPETENT

The description demonstrates awareness of specific physical sensations that occurred when the candidate became aware of the bioreaction(s).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name:
Subject and Section:
Professor’s Name:
Date Submitted:
There are numerous events that may trigger bioreactions that are considered as an automatic and unconscious response. These reactions are fight, flight, freeze, and appease designed to aid people to survive traumatic experiences and catastrophic events. The triggers, reactions, and recovery all differ from person to person and it is beneficial to be familiar with ones’ own threshold, triggers, and responses.
It was a regular school day and I will be having my thesis reporting in the afternoon. I have already prepared my materials, including visual aids and my attire for the presentation. When the time for the presentation came close, I went to the room early and tried to settle down to ease my nerves. The room is really big and can obviously fit a lot of students. There is also a huge projector and board in front where the speakers will be presenting their works. The voice of people in front echoes throughout the room. As the room was filling up, there are silent whispers and chatting among the students until the host tells everyone to find their seats and settle down.
The stimulus or specific threat that caused me to have a bioreaction was when it was already my turn to speak and I was already standing in front of the whole class, including my panel for the thesis presentation. I felt terrified and the fear of making a mistake or being judged by my peers and professors was consuming me. There was an instant surge of panic when I saw them. The observable physical manifestations and symptoms of my freeze response during this event are the inability to speak and move, tensed neck and shoulders, and increased heart rat...
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