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Exploring Values and Goals

Essay Instructions:

Activity #1 Exploring Values and Goals:

When you understand what people value, you have the key to what motivates them. A person’s long term goals are a potential source of motivation for change. But, humans day to day behavior often falls short or contradicts long-term values. People have a strong drive to be (or at least appear to be) consistent and will change behaviors to reduce apparent dissonance/discrepancy. With this in mind, let’s explore your own values. Take a minute to reflect on these questions, jotting down notes or thinking through it in your mind.

Tell me what you care about most in your life. What matters most to you?

How do you hope your life will be different in a few years from now?

What are the rules of life you live by?

What would you say are your five most important values? Pick one word for each?

Please answer as many of the following questions as you are comfortable with sharing in the discussion board below.

How are these values expressed in your life?

In what ways are these values important to you?

Give me some examples of how you demonstrate these values in your life?

Why are these values important to you? How did this come to be a value for you?

If there is one or two behaviors you would like to change to be more consistent with your values, what would those behaviors be? What would need to change?

Activity #2 Values and Change in Others

Now you understand the relationship between values and behavior change in yourself. Now, let’s use this knowledge to help someone else in your life. Think about a specific person you think would benefit from a positive behavior change.

Who is this person? What is their name? What is your relationship?

What behavior do you think they need to change? What is the positive replacement behavior (it is often easier to add a positive behavior rather remove a negative behavior)?

Now, using the OARS approach (using open-ended questions, affirming statements, reflection, and summarizing), what questions can you ask to help this person make a positive behavior change? Take a few minutes to write this down.

Look for Thomas Gordon’s 12 Roadblocks as you listen to your classmates:

Ordering, directing, or commanding

Warning, cautioning, or threatening

Giving advice, making suggestions, or providing solutions

Persuading with logic, arguing, or lecturing

Telling people what they should do; moralizing

Disagreeing, judging, criticizing, or blaming

Agreeing, approving, or praising

Shaming, ridiculing, or labeling

Interpreting or analyzing

Reassuring, sympathizing, or consoling

Questioning or probing

Withdrawing, distracting, humoring, or changing the subject

Please answer as many of the Activity #2 questions above and below as you are comfortable with sharing in the discussion board.

How was this for you? What worked? What was challenging? How can you take what you learned today and apply it to your personal/professional life?

please write this in the voice of a 26 year old male architectural designer with 4 younger sibling and both parents who are the most important people in my life

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Activity 1: Exploring Values and Goals
Rokeach (1973, as cited in Jolibert & Baumgartner, 1997) described values as an approach to each person's actions and goals. On the other hand, Maslow (1970, as cited in Jolibert & Baumgartner, 1997) defined values as a part of the individual needs. Both of them hold definite meanings and understandings since I described values as a foundation for my general influence and personal improvement.
As the oldest of the five children in the family, I have always relied on my values to continue pursuing my goals for my parents' and siblings' sake. These values are innovation, perseverance, leadership, reliability, and positivity, which relate to my career, goals, and future. As an architectural designer, I must produce new ideas and changes that benefit my clients' needs. I have to be bold and take risks in expressing innovative ideas that could give me a more robust foundation. Furthermore, as one of the key figures in this innovation, I should have a leader's qualities, making leadership part of my values. Leading change into new and unknown directions is what I want to achieve as I continue to persevere in my career. While being reliable does not only pertains to my leadership but also the figure that my family can rely upon as the oldest son. Lastly, I view the challenges and problems in my life with positivity since I know that it will help me go through the right path. Being positive does not mean looking only on the bright side but looking on both positive and negative sides of the problems and the benefits we can take on them.
Values are a key figure in my life since they molded me into who I am now. If I could remove passivity as part of my personality, I know that I could bring even more remarkable achievements. Thus, I should continue to pursue my goals with my values and influence my environment.
Jolibert, A...
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