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2 pages/≈550 words
Life Sciences
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Presentation Summary and Reaction: CESI Technologies

Essay Instructions:

You can summarize the major points presented by the speaker. This summary must go beyond the speaker’s abstract. The last paragraph of each summary should be your personal response to what you heard. If a talk is “over your head” technically, please be aware that most speakers’ major points are not in the technical details, but rather in the value/importance (present or future) of the subject matter of the talk. The length of the summary in the standard format should be at least 400 words, but no longer than two single-spaced pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Presentation Summary and Reaction
Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
The CESI presentation was about a novel technology that transformed CO2 from waste into an energy resource. The presenters were very excited about their technology because it would help lower the carbon dioxide in the air and a great benefit to the demands for energy. The speakers discussed how they were inspired by nature, wherein the natural world can absorb carbon from the environment and utilize it as its energy source. The presenters’ goal was to create a solution to growing carbon dioxide emissions and provide quality fuel for global demands. The speaker also highlights how the sun is the key ingredient to this technology, as a nod to the best carbon absorb in the world, which is trees and plants. This kind of technology utilizes waste carbon dioxide that the facility can source from other factories. The use of light and heat-activated catalysts initiates the conversion of carbon dioxide gas and H2 into a synthetic gas used for different industries.
The design of the technolo...
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