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Ethical Dilemma Paper: Moral Framework

Essay Instructions:

For this part, you will use the morality framework (from the course text) to evaluate your initial “gut reaction” solution to the ethical dilemma. Considering what you wrote as your initial “gut” solution, you will apply that solution/decision to the framework presented in the textbook. After working through each step of the framework, you will re-evaluate your initial “gut” solution, and develop at least two alternative solutions (at least one must be biblically principled). Additionally, you will address the role that supervision and consultation would have within this dilemma.
 This paper must be at least 4 pages long.
o The title and reference page are not included in this page count.
o Include part one of the paper in this submission (Part one will not be graded for this part; it is included only for reference).
 This paper should be written in current APA formatting.
The paper must align with the following guidelines:
● Use the morality framework (Step 1, #1–10 and Step 2) on pages 41–46 to analyze the ethical dilemma. Please number the steps in your paper and use level two headings to organize your paper. Do not write this portion in paragraph form.
o If any of the steps are not applicable to your situation, please note this in your paper. Simply leaving the steps out, or marking them N/A will result in a loss of points. You need to explain why the step is not applicable, in order to demonstrate your understanding of each particular step. Thoughtful analysis for each step should be applied here.
● Re-evaluate your initial “gut” solution.
o Now that you have worked through your initial solution utilizing the framework, analyze your solution. This section should demonstrate an ability to see all sides of a dilemma, and make decisions that reflect social work values and a focus on the client. Simply stating, "I still agree with my initial reaction," will not suffice here.
● Describe at least two alternative solutions and provide a rationale for each. At least 1 of the solutions must reflect a biblical worldview, and you must support this solution with scripture and biblical principles. This area should reflect your ability to conceptualize alternative actions, and how those actions will impact your client.
● Discuss how you could use supervision and consultation as a resource when evaluating the potential solutions.
o What would be the benefit in talking with your supervisor about this dilemma?
How would you approach your supervisor about this situation?
o Are there others who would be appropriate to consult about this particular situation? If so, who and how do you think they could be of assistance to you?
o What additional resources could you examine (e.g. agency policy, State or federal laws, etc.) to assist you in evaluating the potential solutions?
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The paper is to be written in APA format. The paper will be graded per the rubric, which reflects
a 70/30 break-down (70% of the grade is weighted for content, 30% is weighted for mechanics/grammar/formatting). There is no need to include an abstract in the paper. This paper assesses Competency 1- Ethical and Professional Behavior (knowledge, values, cognitive & affective processes).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.SOWK 270
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The paper is to be written in APA format. The paper will be graded per the rubric, which reflects a 70/30 break-down (70% of the grade is weighted for content, 30% is weighted for
mechanics/grammar/formatting). There is no need to include an abstract in the paper. This paper assesses Competency 1- Ethical and Professional Behavior (knowledge, values, cognitive &
affective processes). Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
I will add the first part of this project in the downloads since this paper is a second part of the first.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Dilemma Paper: Moral Framework
Student's Name
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Instructor's Name
Ethical Dilemma Paper: Moral Framework
Social workers play a significant role in the community; thus, it is essential to have the ability to make staunch and ethical decisions. These ethical decisions are vital when solving two introductory courses of action. Therefore, it is essential to acquire ethical values that promote personal principles and standards of conduct. Without these values, it will make impossible to stand out in challenging circumstances. Notably, social workers go through varied challenges, which sometimes affect the process of decision-making. These complex decisions ought to be controlled and managed from an ethical perspective. The code of ethics is docile, showing the overall responsibilities and actions of social workers. The ethical dilemma paper will use moral framework entities to provide alternative solutions to the initial reaction paper.
The paper will be discussing a client who is undergoing marital challenges. Donald M (DM) had a therapy session with a counselor and social worker named Ivy, and two things arose in the therapy talk. Firstly, DM reveals that his wife is having an affair with another man, and he plans to kill the lover. Secondly, DM is confused about how to solve the problem at hand. These two scenarios represent a dilemma where the counselor is confused about providing guidance and advice to DM (Bryan, Sanders & Kaplan, 2016). These two decisions are hard to solve since they both have adverse consequences. For example, if DM kills his wife's lover, he will charge with first-degree murder, which reflects a lifetime in prison.
On the other hand, if DM chooses to live with his wife (seeking divorce), there are high chances that his health will deteriorate due to stress leading to death and unhealthy aging. These are two issues that significantly impact both parties depending on the side of the fence you are standing on. Despite Ivy T engaging DM to determine whether he will kill his wife's lover, DM does not disclose the intentions.
Re-evaluating the Gut Solution and Alternative Solutions
As discussed, Ivy T is not specific about whether the client will commit the crime since he is pretty angered. There are other alternatives to solve the dilemma. Firstly, to have a direct conversation with the wife about the matter with a mediator. Marital issues are pretty complicated, and sometimes they turn chaotic. Thus, it is essential to have a third party in the scene. The primary objective of having a mediator is to create a calming environment to talk. It will be easier to hear the whole story from the two sides through this process. It is challenging to prevent murder by assumptions.
DM is very bitter and makes assumptions about the case, and it is significant to face the truth. Engaging with the two parties and the mediator will effectively solve the problem. The killing has ethical concerns as well as divorce. It is unethically right to destroy someone's family, which they have built for years. The second alternative is based on forgiveness. According to the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, love is kind and passionate (The Holy Bible, 2002). In this case, if you love your partner, there will always be room to forgive them. In the same scripture, it is vital to understand that life does not envy or boast; therefore, the woman should seek forgiveness from the husban...
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