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Community Gardens Introduction. Anthropology

Essay Instructions:
Short Essay: Please see attachment for the passage. -Essay should be about three(3) pages (approximately 750–1000 words, not including the title and references pages), typed, using a 12-point font and 1.5 line spacing. -The essays must include the following components: *a title and a title page *a brief introduction and overview of the topic discussed in the essay *a main section that develops and substantiates the issues mentioned in the introduction *a summary/conclusion section that pulls together and reviews what you have covered. It should briefly outline the significance of the topic as well as any conclusions you have reached. *a references page that properly cites the source of the material referenced in your paper.For this assignment, you are not required to reference sources other than primary materials, the textbook readings. -Be sure to use the American Anthropological Association's AAA Style Guide for citations and references. -Using information presented in the course textbooks, prepare a short essay. The essay should be about the following topic and questions. Summarize the history of urban community gardens in North America and Europe, and evaluate their benefits for people and places. What forces have promoted their development and what forces have resisted it? Describe an urban community garden project of a city with which you are familiar(this can be any city). Include as well a brief description of the city (location, population, history, industry, etc).
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Community Gardens Introduction
The term community garden is commonly used in America, New Zealand, Canada, and many countries of Europe to mean some parts of land that is collectively established and gardened by the communities (ACGA, 2007). Although garden and Community may not appear to have any relationship with urban setting and even the subject of anthropology, Sokolovsky (2008), in his work, Civic ecology, Urban Elders, and New York City’s Community Garden Movement notes that community gardens in cities of Europe and New York became very significant especially for the dwellers in various ways.
This paper will briefly describe the history of community gardens, evaluate their benefits for people and cities, identify the forces that oppose them, and lastly, describe a community garden in London city.
Benefits of Community gardens
In establishing and maintaining community gardens, various alliances were established across economic, generational, and ethnic lines. These alliances were mostly established in troublesome and harsh times. In the case when the elders failed to obtain sufficient help from the city authorities, or in the event when such a situation required instant action, the elders and community members opted to initiate their own projects (244). The elders could team up with the younger generation and members of the immediate neighborhood in establishing the projects or protecting the existing ones from outside invasion (245). These actions therefore, acted as civic ecology in the sense that the community members employed collective actions in making any available space to be beneficial to the residents. Moreover, these actions regularly promoted and enhanced the involvement and social inclusion of the community members, thus further promoting unity and social cohesion. Apparently, Community gardens in Europe were beneficial in that they could be used by the community members for crop farming purposes and therefore, supplementing the available food (248).
Residents in Europe found community gardens important in growing food as well as regaining back their land that had been taken by city government. For instance, community gardens in New York created space for older adults for recreational purposes as well as sharing knowledge. They were also equally significant for younger generation as they learnt on various aspects such as their backgrounds, ethnicity, heritage, food and how various communities can work together to create more forces. In essence, Sokolovsky observes that community gardens were beneficial to the communities due to the aspect that they offered space for social activities for both old and young generation. Apparently, these gardens were also essential as a source of food to these residents (247).
Events that Promoted the Development of Community Gardens
Among the developments that promoted community, gardens were the first and second world wars and other calamities such as the economic crisis. During the first and second world wars, most of the available spaces in New York City were used as “Victory Gardens.” These were garden plots established in places near the white house, and in rooftops of buildings (245). The establishment of these community gardens was attributed to the end of the food rationing and the subsequent launch of the industry in frozen foods. The garden projects were halted after the end of these wars. It can therefore, be said that the world wars and hard economic times, plus the launching of frozen food industry promoted the development of community gardens in NY and Europe.
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