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Anthropological Research in Tokyo and Moscow

Essay Instructions:
Short Essay: Please see attachment for the passages. -Essay should be about three(3) pages (approximately 750–1000 words, not including the title and references pages), typed, using a 12-point font and 1.5 line spacing. -The essays must include the following components: *a title and a title page *a brief introduction and overview of the topic discussed in the essay *a main section that develops and substantiates the issues mentioned in the introduction *a summary/conclusion section that pulls together and reviews what you have covered. It should briefly outline the significance of the topic as well as any conclusions you have reached. *a references page that properly cites the source of the material referenced in your paper.For this assignment, you are not required to reference sources other than primary materials, the textbook readings. -Be sure to use the American Anthropological Association's AAA Style Guide for citations and references. -Using information presented in the course textbooks, prepare a short essay. The essay should cover about the following 2 topics and questions. Theodore C. Bestor and Melissa L. Caldwell discuss the use of networks in their anthropological research in Tokyo and Moscow respectively. Describe their methodologies and evaluate the importance of networks in cities where “density, anonymity and impersonality rule.”
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Anthropological Research in Tokyo and Moscow
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It is important for people intending to study ways of life of different people to value and take maximum advantage of spontaneous encounters with others whenever they meet them. This is because such people provide networks and connections that prove to be very resourceful in availing priceless insight and information regarding certain problems of study.
This paper discusses the use and importance of networks and different research methodologies in Bestor’s and Caldwell’s ethnographic research in Tokyo and Moscow respectively.
Use of networks in their anthropological research in Tokyo and Moscow
In Tokyo, Bestor used his connections to get insight on how to establish a location for his ethnographic research. He met with American graduates that were already doing their ethnographic research. One of them namely Tuner advised that examining where one has the most contacts and where one has access to existing introductions is important in identifying a location to conduct ethnographic research (Bestor 2010: 22). Following this, Bestor’s Japanese friends suggested they study the neighborhood in which they grew up in Miyamoto-cho.
Bestor surveyed the community life and the neighborhood matched his criteria for the type of demographic mix he required. His friends introduced him to a PTA who was knowledgeable about the neighborhood owing to his real estate ventures. He introduced them to several apartments and in the process, they met Mr. Fukuda who had been a leader in the neighborhood association for twenty years and he was a very good source of information (Bestor 2010: 22).
His Japanese friends namely the Machidas, the real estate agent and Mr. Fukuda continued acting as entry points into the neighborhood and they introduced them to more local leaders and activists and events in the neighborhood(Bestor 2010: 23). The initial introductions played a significant role in assisting Bestor to develop personal contacts with many other people from encounters at various community events in Tokyo (Bestor 2010: 24).
Bestor’s networks also recommended Tsukiji a seafood market as location for his study and they helped him to define his project. The other people he met also helped him to define his project’s viewpoint and design.
Caldwell personal contact with an American in Moscow gave her an opportunity to participate and engage with a church held soup kitchen allowed her an opportunity to observe and study the food program. She became involved with the community of volunteers, church congregants, recipients and employees of the cafeteria. She continued to widen her network to social workers that referred clients to the soup kitchen, African American staff in the programs and other European and Americans volunteers (Caldwell 2010: 63).
The networks gave Caldwell an opportunity to understand the socioeconomic groupings of the Muscovite society (Caldwell 2010: 64). Such networks extend across geographical locations and demographic distances as Caldwell indicates meeting people she had met elsewhere in public offices (Caldwell 2010: 66).
Methodologies and Importance of networks in cities where “density, anonymity and impersonality rule”
Bestor applies a qualitative method of research whereby he observes behavior that consolidates Japanese people’s neighborhoods...
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