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Foundations of the Development and Functions of Police, Draft

Essay Instructions:

To understand contemporary policing in America, it is essential to understand the history by looking at the past eras. The police have day-to-day practices influenced by deeply ingrained traditions. It’s also necessary to comprehend how an officer’s career begins, from the academy to the street. The effective partnership between the police and the community must also be understood to better appreciate the development and functions of police. 

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the political and reform eras of policing. 

Identify the skills and knowledge that are imparted to police trainees during their academy training and explain the importance of these skills in relation to real world applications.

Provide your own definition of community-policing and explain the difference between community policing and traditional policing.

Critically examine the important elements of implementation and evaluation phases of community policing and problem solving.

Determine the top five (5) qualities that detectives and undercover officers need to possess (one [1] being the most important). Provide a rationale for your response.

Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Foundations of the Development and Functions of Police, Draft
Professor’s name
Political and reform eras of policing
The political era of policing gave rise to the increase in number of cops who were professionally connected. One of the main reasons for this phenomenon is that there was no oversight authority overseeing the activities on the police, and the well-connected people would populate the police, with political elites appointing their and supporters (Dunham & Alpert, 2009). As such, there was rampant crime because the police overlooked enforcing laws that would hurt the political backers, whereby favoritism and discrimination was rife in the rank and file. On the other hand, the reform era policing was a framework that sought to have statistics to inform the police on whether there was improved performance. Since entry into the police force had no minimum requirements political favors were more important to recruiting the police officers, and this combined with ineffective supervision was inadequate to deal with criminal activities.
The reform era differed from the policing ear given the need to prevent crime rather than simply arresting offenders. Political reforms had a positive impact on this resulting in the police force being more centralized and non partisan unlike the political era where political favors were more important than meritocracy (Dunham & Alpert, 2009). The introduction of minimum standards in the reform era mean that there was better oversight in the recruitment process unlike before, where the police could be hired , fired or disciplined depending on their performance. The political ear policing was not well organized with the police officers patrolling on foot, but during the reform era, the police were provided with patrol cars. Another difference is that the police were not only concerned with community problems but fighting crime and enforcing laws in an impartial manner.
Skills and knowledge of police trainees
Police officers need to be knowledgeable on criminal law and when to use force or not as they rely on logical skills to make decisions. The case for firearms and self-defense skills is that it prepares the police officers to deal with real life situations when they may encounter violent individuals. This is because the police officers face situations when they may need to arrest or stop the activities of a violent person while protecting the life of other persons. The police officers also pursue suspects, and they need to make the right decisions while defense driving, pursuit driving and making risk traffic stops.
The police officers need to be physically fit and of sound mind to be able to deal with threatening situations and make sound judgments when faced with different scenarios requiring their input including crime scene processing. Some urban areas have high crime rates, and the police should carefully assess the situations while patrolling such locations. In any case, police officers who are critical thinkers are better placed to handle different situations and perform duties in a manner that enforces the law, while respecting the arrest procedures without disregarding the rights of suspects or using deadly force unnecessarily.
Community policing and traditional policing
Community policing relates to the policing techniques that focus on building relationships with the community with the aim of improving public safety. Community policing goes beyond responding to crime partnerships and community engagement allows people to address the conditions that give rise to public safety concerns including unwanted behaviors
Community policing focuses on community partnership between individuals and enforcement agencies, where there is collaboration and coordination to achieve common goals. Community policing can improve long-term security since it is aimed at crime prevention and traditional policing would then have a smaller role to play when there are fewer crimes.
Community policing highlights the need for proactive prevention of crime, where there is mobilization and consultation (Rohe, 2001). On the other hand, traditional policing focuses on responding to crime, including patrolling response to service as well as follow- up investigations. Traditional policing can be integrated into community policing where patrolling is necessary to achieve the desired outcome of reducing crime while increasing police visibility to deter criminals from committing crime. The two complement each other, with community policing helping to engage the communities, and traditional policing necessary when gathering evidence. Community policing thrives when th...
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