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Leadership Personal Issues and the Rules of Law

Essay Instructions:

Law enforcement in America has seen drastic changes over the past one hundred years, from the educational requirements of officers to the interpretation of the bill of rights. Law enforcement officers today are expected to perform their duties at a very high level of professionalism and morality. Unfortunately, when officers don’t perform at this high level it is their commanders who ultimately may be held responsible for their actions. Use your textbook, the Internet, and / or Strayer library to research credible sources on the aforementioned issues as they relate to law enforcement operations and management.

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Examine the higher (postsecondary education) requirements that police hiring agencies have for potential candidates. Support or critique the requirement that officers possess such an education. 

Compare and contrast the fundamental differences between arrest and searches and seizures conducted with and without warrants. Provide a rationale for why these areas are important as they relate to the Bill of Rights and Fourth Amendment guarantees.

Compare and contrast the main ways in which Packard’s crime-control model and the due process model differ in the matter of police ethics. Provide your opinion on which of the two (2) approaches lends itself to the possibility of ethical violations in law enforcement?

Hypothesize two (2) situations where police supervisors may be held criminally liable for their officers’ misconduct. 

Use at least four (4) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Illustrate the constraints on the police in democratic societies to include personal issues and practices, the rule of law, general principles of accountability, ethics, and civil liability.

Assess management and leadership challenges in police organizations and recommend solutions that foster an ethical work environment.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in law enforcement operations and management.

Write clearly and concisely about law enforcement operations and management using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
The recent decades have seen the law enforcement officers faced with a changing landscape, one that is more in tune with professionalism. Officers are expected to act and conduct themselves at the highest level of professionalism to make sure that they give the citizens the best services. One of the basic requirements that the prospective candidates have before they get to join the law enforcement agencies, is their education qualification standards (Summers, 2009). The US Bureau of Labor Statistics requires that the police candidates must meet a certain threshold of educational qualifications for them to join the police force. This is a prerequisite that establishes some level of standard in the forces such that, relative to the various requirements in the field. Officers have to be able to understand the law and social elements, in their quest to bring about law and order (Summers, 2009). This means that the educational background is one of the standards that indicates that the police have the ability to understand various aspects related to the job.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the police officers candidates have to be in a position to meet a set general standards among them; being a citizen of the US, have a valid driver’s license, be at least 21 years old, have no priors and most importantly have a high school diploma or an equivalent of the same at the minimum. Relative to the element of duties and complexity that different departments have, the educational backgrounds may rise accordingly according to the agencies. The bare minimum educational requirements only gets an officer into the law enforcement, but one requires higher education to be in a position to join special units and get promoted to higher positions within their agency (Summers, 2009). Other than the prerequisite educational requirement, the law enforcement officers are required to undergo basic training at the police academy. Other than the physical and stamina training that the recruits go through academic training on various aspects such as, civil rights, criminal psychology, accident investigation, constitutional law, local laws, state ordinances, mental preparation for hostility as well as working with the public (Summers, 2009).
The basic element behind having the educational background are longed in the need for the police officers to have the discernible abilities to understand basic concepts. It is crucial for the police officers to be educated to some level, relative to the basic requirement of the job. Dealing with criminals, the society, law and police best practices requires some level of education (Summers, 2009). This basically means that the, having someone that is educated also means that their level of understanding is much higher than that of a person that is not educated. The ability to deal with an ever changing landscape in fighting crime means that the police officers require educational background. It is also crucial that the police officers are educated relative to understanding the legal aspects of their practice. Police practices are lodged in the law and the officers need to understand the law and how it applies in the different situations (Summers, 2009). The complexity of police work is largely associated with a myriad of situations that change at every turn. The ability to apply basic training and general professionalism requires high level of intelligence, an element that can only be assessed through the educational background. It is crucial for a police officer to know how to fire and handle a weapon, but it is crucial to know when to apply such skills and when not to. Everyone that has been trained on firing a weapon can do so, but it takes a special kind of skill to tell when it is most effective to fire a weapon and when it most necessary to try and convince a person being confronted by law out a situation where they could easily resolve their indifference (Summers, 2009). As such the educational background associated with law enforcement officers, does not just test or indicate the ability to score highly in exams, but rather acts a yard stick to establish the basic cognitive abilities of an officer relative to the level of complexity their expected to face in the field. It is for this reason that, law enforcement officers taking on promotions have to have higher education backgrounds that the officers under them. Their level of responsibility and strategic abilities are above those of their officers. In the same case, when enrolling for special units, there is need to have even higher educational standards, relative to the level of responsibility and complexity of the duties to be handled (Summers, 2009). A special covert army officer is going to be required to dem...
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