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204 Week 8: The Crime Prevention Research Center

Essay Instructions:

A person who is competent in information literacy possesses the ability to know when information is needed, to find quality information, and to analyze and evaluate information. Information literacy enables one to better understand arguments and interpretations in the course of solving problems and forming well-reasoned positions. Please read the following paragraph and answer all three questions at the end. On this assignment, I am grading more on the quality of thinking and less on the quality of writing exhibited in the responses. 
The Crime Prevention Research Center (http://crimepreventionresearchcenter(dot)org/) and the Violence Policy Center (http://www(dot)vpc(dot)org/) are both nationally recognized nonprofit organizations dedicated to educating the public and conducting research on gun-related issues. Use information you find on both organizations' web pages to answer the following questions. Try to answer each question with a one-paragraph response. 

*1 Which organization believes increasing the rate of gun ownership will reduce violent crime? Explain your reasoning. Include at least one direct quotation in APA format and one paraphrase in APA format from this organization's web site to support your position.
*2 Which organization believes stronger gun control laws will reduce violent crime? Explain your reasoning. Include at least one direct quotation in APA format and one paraphrase in APA format from this organization's web site to support your position.
*3 How could comparing information from both organizations help someone gain a better understanding of the issues and evidence? 
Can $50 million neutralize the NRA? Why or why not? Former New Your City mayor and businessman Michael Bloomberg announced that he is investing $50 million of his own money to build a nationwide network to reduce gun violence. Bloomberg's main adversary is the National Rifle Association (NRA), which spends millions of dollars every year on political lobbying to promote the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms). For more information, please read "Bloomberg Plans a $50 Million Challenge to the N.R.A." by Jeremy Peters 
Please use a strong response with sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Crime Prevention Research Center advocates for increased gun ownership, while the violence policy center advocates for lower gun ownership. The crime prevention research center, advocates for policies that do not violate the right to own a firearm. According to organization, the idea of having a firearm does not in any way lead to poor security, rather it improves the way that people protect themselves when they are attacked (Esposito & Finley, 2014). As such, the organization believes that the firearm provide a way to reduce violence relative to the idea that no one would attack a person or a group of people that are armed (Crime Prevention Research Center, 2015). Most of the mass shooting have also happened to persons that are not armed. "We’re being told that even though these laws didn’t stop these attacks in these states, somehow they would work in the rest of the country," he said. "I know the claim is, ‘we don’t expect it to do everything but it will do some.’ Maybe they could point to one case where these laws would make a difference" (Crime Prevention Research Center, 2015)
According to the Violence Policy Center, stronger gun control will help reduce the rate of violence that has rocked the streets where people are no longer safe (Leitzel, 2001). The recent mass shootings have bee as a result of increased and controlled gun ownership, where persons that should be able to have a firearm own one or several (Violence Policy Center, 2015). The organization also feels that the law that allows private citizens to carry concealed weapons has been one...
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