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The Importance of the Final Report to the Prosecution of a Case and the Possible Impact of Poorly Completed Final Reports on the Prosecution of a Case

Essay Instructions:

In the United States, both the federal government and the states have authority to indict for criminal wrongdoing. The federal government and each state have their own criminal statutes, court system, prosecutors, and police agencies. Use your textbook, the Internet, and / or Strayer Library to research articles on crime trial, prosecutor, and criminal investigator.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
Put yourself in the role of a prosecutor and explain the importance of the final report to the prosecution of a case. Further, analyze the possible impact of poorly completed final reports on the prosecution of a case.
Review Figure 21.1 “The Use of Evidence in the Stages of the Criminal Justice Process” in Chapter 21 of the text and specify the manner in which each stage of the criminal justice process helps to build a successfully litigated action. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Define a criminal investigator’s role in preparing a case for court. Analyze the manner in which the investigator cooperates with the prosecutor to enhance the courtroom presentation. 
Differentiate not guilty and acquitted. Give your opinion as to whether or not an acquittal means that the investigator failed. Support your position. 
Predict one to two (1-2) changes that will take place in criminal investigation in the next twenty (20) years. Provide a rationale to support your response.
Use at least two (2) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Big Stage
The importance of the final report to the prosecution of a case and the possible impact of poorly completed final reports on the prosecution of a case.
The final report is a summary of the prosecution case and usually presents the facts, available evidence, names of the witnesses including the experts, chronology of the case and further investigation. The report therefore includes; firstly, the complaint: this is the original complaint recorded at the police desk it should have the date and time, location, names of the officers that were dispatched and the time they were dispatched. Secondly, a preliminary investigation report: this show the time of arrival by the officers at the scene and includes the weather and lighting conditions and the actions that they took CITATION Way06 \l 1033 (Wayne Bennett, 2006).
Thirdly, follow up reports: this shows the information that was gathered and the sequence that was followed in proving the elements of crime and linking it to the suspect. Fourth, statements, confessions and admissions: these include the statements of the witnesses who were interviewed and the confessions or admissions by the suspect. They also encompass results of polygraphs or any other examination used to determine truth. Fifth, lab reports: summary on how the results relate to the other sections of the report. Sixth, photographs, drawings and sketches of the crime scene: to show the available evidence and situation at the scene. Lastly, the entire negative evidence in summary: for example statements by some witnesses claiming the suspect was elsewhere at the time the crime was committed. This summary can be used by the prosecution to prepare a defense CITATION Way06 \l 1033 (Wayne Bennett, 2006).
A well prepared report should be clear and accurate because the quality of the final report will influence whether or not the case is credible. The material should be arranged in a logical sequence and in a format that is convenient. The information should be properly labeled and separated for each unit. After completion of the report, the prosecutor is able to offer a plea bargain to the suspect based on the strength of the case and the final report CITATION Way06 \l 1033 (Wayne Bennett, 2006). In conclusion, the success or failure of a prosecution case is dependent on how well the final report will be prepared. The impact of a poorly prepared report will therefore result in a poor analysis of the strength of the prosecution case leading to a poorly litigated case.
Manner in which each stage of the criminal justice process helps to build a successfully litigated action
The criminal justice system begins with commission of a crime, followed by an investigation and then arrest of the suspect. Arrest is done after the police have collected evidence that point to the suspect as the perpetrator of the offence CITATION App15 \l 1033 (Appalachian State University, 2015).
After investigations have been completed and the suspect is formally charged with the crime, the suspect will appear for the first time before a judge and will be informed of the charge against him. At this stage the court will decide whether bail is necessary. If for example the suspect is a flight risk, they will be required to post bail or be held in custody. At this stage the judge will also determine whether the evidence that has been produced is sufficient for the charges brought against the suspect (Appalachian State University, 2015).
If the case is not dismissed at the initial stages, a preliminary hearing will be held according to the respective jurisdiction. This is done to ensure that innocent people are not prosecuted maliciously. Here the court will make a decision as to whether or not there is enough evidence for the matter to proceed to a full trial. The court will therefore either dismiss the matter or if it finds probable cause, allow it to be heard in a full trial. The next step is arraignment of the suspect where they will enter a plea (Appalachian State University, 2015). Upon the conclusion of trial the court will pass its sentence whereby the defendant will be acquitted or convicted for the offence in question. For a successful litigation action it is important that the steps of the criminal justice system be followed to the latter because, technicalities can be used to discredit the case and can warrant a dismissal of the case or an acquittal of the defendant upon appeal.
The Role of a criminal investigator in preparing a case for court
The duties of a criminal investigator will vary depending on the crime because, different crimes have different elements. Investigators go through different kinds of tasks each day because; cases go through a process before investigation is complete. The duties of the investigator therefore include; firstly, case evaluation: the investigator has to evaluate the case and plan how to effectively collect the needed information CITATION Cri15 \l 1033 (Criminal Just...
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