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Crime Questions for Exam Paper

Essay Instructions:

Of the many types of social stratification found around the world, few are more famous, or infamous, than India’s caste system. How does a person’s economic status affect the type of justice they can expect to receive in India?

After examining the role economic status plays in the criminal justice systems around the world, which nation do you believe best preserves the rights of the accused? Or, in other words, in which country is justice as “blind” as we would like it to be?

Discuss justice systems for transgender in two separate countries.

Since the “Arab Spring” of 2010, we have seen a rise in calls for, and the installation of, Sharia law in several countries with a substantial Muslim population.


2a. What rights do women have under Sharia law?

2b. Do you believe Sharia law is the best system to preserve and promote women’s rights concerning criminal justice? Why or why not?


As you examine the different criminal justice systems from countries around the world, think about how the punishment of similar crimes compare.


Pick two crimes from the list below and select two countries that have vastly different punishments for each crime. Discuss the differences and your thoughts about those differences.  


  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Burglary
  • Vehicle theft
  • Vandalism
  • Prostitution
  • Robbery
  • aggravated assault



List at least 5 countries around the globe that utilize capital punishment as a sentencing option.

Do you notice a significant difference in the crime rates of countries that utilize capital punishment vs. those that do not? Explain your answers with support from the background material and external sources as needed.


The background readings cover a small slice of law and court systems in a globalized world.  Do you believe it is important for any court system to know foreign law of other countries? Explain your answer with support from background readings and external sources.

As you reflect back on the different countries and criminal justice systems, list the court system you believe best protects the rights of the accused? Support your argument with information from the background material and external sources (as applicable)

Is the United Nations a World Court? Explain your answer

Discuss at least one major area the United Nations is involved in globally.  That is, what is one universal crime, human rights violation, etc., that is common around the globe that would require United Nation intervention. Explain your response

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Questions for Exam
Questions for Exam
Of the many types of social stratification found around the world, few are more famous, or infamous, than India’s caste system. How does a person’s economic status affect the type of justice they can expect to receive in India?
The economic status brings about inequality in justice. Therefore, a number of people might not be able to receive justice in accordance to the law due to lack of funds to hire a lawyer or even influence of the courts functioning by the other party that may be involved (Holmes, 2009).
After examining the role economic status plays in the criminal justice systems around the world, which nation do you believe best preserves the rights of the accused? Or, in other words, in which country is justice as "blind" as we would like it to be? Egypt is one of the countries where the rights of the accused are preserved.
Discuss justice systems for transgender in two separate countries.
Transgender has been legally accepted in Belgium and it is also among the first countries in the world to accept marriages of same sex. On the other hand transgender issues have been controversial and illegal in Algeria and the victims have faced discrimination in the society
Since the "Arab Spring" of 2010, we have seen a rise in calls for, and the installation of, Sharia law in several countries with a substantial Muslim population.
2a. what rights do women have under Sharia law?
Women have rights to equality and the right to divorce under the Sharia law.
2b. Do you believe Sharia law is the best system to preserve and promote women’s rights concerning criminal justice? Why or why not? Yes it is because it provides equal rights to all Muslim people regardless of their gender.
As you examine the different criminal justice systems from countries around the world, think about how the punishment of similar crimes compare.
 Both Kenya and Nigeria penalty for murder is death. The death penalty is also applicable to other crimes like robbery with violence. In this case, the culprits can...
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