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Criminal Behavior-Hackers

Essay Instructions:

Criminal Behavior Assignment 8 Instructions:

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.

Describe the characteristics of a typical hacker. Then provide descriptions of six typical types of hackers,(pioneers, scamps, explorers, game players, vandals and addicts) based on psychological characteristics.

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Criminal Behavior-Hackers
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Criminal Behavior
Criminal behavior is a process, and it happens when individuals can socialize appropriately with society because they are feeling not obligated to obeying laws. Typical hackers are usually profiled as introverts, and they develop programs to hack medium-sized companies.
Pioneer Hackers
Typically, pioneer hackers have distinctive characteristics; for example, they are kind of people who explore telecommunication without knowing precisely what they are looking for. It is one complex entity in the criminal mind since it is not fixed; instead, it is diversified. Hackers under this category usually have high IQ levels and can explore and research every piece of telecommunication easily. The complexity of creating the hacking programs makes pioneer hackers very rare, and sometimes they are a few criminals who indulge in pioneer hacking (Stephen, 2016).
A scamp can be described as a mischievous and amusing person. Scamp hackers can also be defined as soft hackers because they do not intend to harm anyone. Moreover, the action of creating hacking programs is essentially for fun, and there are no reports reflecting scamp harm to the people or companies. They have intense levels of amusement, and hacking is always under the obligation of making fun. Generally, scamps can be seen as “innocent criminals.”
Explorer hackers are the most ordinary people, and they are driven by the desire to hack into computer systems. Their behavior characteristics are close to the pioneer hackers since they are motivated to break the limits and make discoveries. However, explorers have a unique feature; for example, they are not confined to one geographical location...
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