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Universal Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

AH1000/HT103: Law and Ethics


NB: Please make sure you use in-text citations when indicated.  The only time these are not needed is when you discuss or state something considered “common knowledge”. This will be discussed at our first class meeting.

The essay must be typed using proper English grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure.  It must be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font and double-spaced within and between paragraphs. Do not use any additional spacing. 


            The following should be your introduction (Form 1 helps to develop the introduction):

  1. State your topic;
  2. State 2 questions related to your ethical dilemma that will not be answered in the introduction, but will be answered somewhere else in the paper;
  3. State ethical dilemma in the form of a question;
  4. State position/thesis statement, but not why you believe as you do (that will come in paragraph 5), i.e., Physician-Assisted Suicide is a violation of a physician’s oath to do no harm.


            These are the paragraphs in which you will discuss your 2 sources found from your research. You should do the following in each one based on your specific source for each paragraph:

  1. Discuss what it is about;
  2. It is possible that your sources will give you the answers to the questions posed in your introduction – if so, you can answer them in these paragraphs.
  3. The last sentence should be connecting this source to your dilemma – why did you choose this source as a basis for your paper?
  4. Please limit use of quotes – if you use quotes, make sure it is just 1 or 2 sentences at most.  You have to link the quote to something you have stated about the dilemma – why are you using this quote?  What do you want the reader to get from this quote?





            This paragraph should begin something like the following:

                        The two courses of action to resolve my dilemma are to, _________________________________ or _______________________________________.

You need to state an advantage and disadvantage for each course of action (sometimes, these are basically the opposite of each other, but not always.  I will help you with this, but I need to get your drafts on time).


            You should start your paragraph with your position on the dilemma. You can use the same sentence you ended your introduction with to begin this paragraph.  This is the paragraph where you will establish the foundation for why you decided as you did, by including at least 2 laws/ethical theories, principles, codes of ethics, etc that we have discussed this semester, you based your position on.  I will help you with this, but you need to determine what your definitive position is – you cannot accept both sides as your position.


            Your position as stated above, but in your concluding paragraph you can relate this information to you in a more personal/professional way than you did in paragraph 5.  You should also discuss how this issue affects healthcare in general.


            Once your drafts are returned to you, essay, reference list, forms, please be sure to make all revisions/corrections for the final submission.  One draft of each component of the project is required for the final submission of the project*.  Do not discard your drafts.  Once your essay is complete, you must submit it with an APA-formatted reference list, forms 1 to 4 (if using a legal case) and copies of the sources used (except the textbook). 

There are no late submissions permitted for this assignment.  The portfolio is worth 20% of your final grade, but failure to submit your portfolio project may result in failing the class.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Universal Healthcare
Author’s Name
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Professor’s Name

Universal Healthcare
My assigned topic is universal healthcare. Why is it that the American government does not ensure that all people can access proper healthcare services? If people have the right to life as stated in the constitution, should the government have the responsibility to promote citizens’ well-being through socialized medicine? Why are some American demographics neglected by healthcare facilities, particularly those who live in abject poverty and cannot afford to pay for services provided in the public hospitals? The American government should facilitate accessibility of medical services to disadvantaged or underprivileged communities. Specifically, jobless people and low-income earners cannot afford various services provided by hospitals without the state’s intervention. All individuals should access hospitals and get proper treatment despite their financial statuses. Universal healthcare is a right for all Americans who should receive quality healthcare services when the need arises.
John Miller discusses the reasons why many employed Americans cannot afford to pay for healthcare services offered in the hospitals. Indeed, it explains why the country needs universal health. In the scenario discussed, Ms. Winslow has a college degree. She has worked for her entire life to raise six children by herself and cannot afford medical services. Ms. Winslow works for 50 hours per week with a pay of $9.44 per hour. But she cannot afford to raise money Medicaid premiums. Besides, the situation deteriorated when she lost her job. In 2018, the American Census Bureau reported that about 27.5% million people have no health insurance coverage in the United States of America (USA) (Miller, 2020). With many people losing jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the high time that the government intervenes. Many individuals need hospital access at the moment. As such, it is clear that the government should intervene to enhance people’s right to life. The state should promote the accessibility of healthcare services. I chose this source since it is valuable. It shows a scenario that reflects the lives of many Americans who cannot afford Medicaid and are suffering silently. They are denied proper medical services, which is their right.
Lorie Sousa, Vicki Lindblade, and Charlotte Markey depict the reasons why the USA government should embrace universal healthcare. Hospital charges continue to rise drastically. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the authors say that “In the first two weeks of April 2020, 5.2 million Americans filed for unemployment” (Sousa, Lindblade, & Markey, 2020). Based on these happenings, the USA government did nothing to ensure that these individuals can access proper medical services when the need arises. For example, in 2017, the state spent 17.1% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in the healthcare sector (Sousa, Lindblade, & Markey, 2020). The amount was more than what other nations spend on health. The USA has a higher expenditure on health than countries with universal healthcare, such as Switzerland. As such, it is not clear why the country cannot implement universal healthcare. In particular, it will promote the accessibility of healthcare services and reduce the government spending in healthcare sector. Therefore, it is the right time for the USA government to re-strategize and implement universal healthcare. Without universal health, no equality in healthcare services accessibility will be achieved. Americans will suffer. Universal healthcare can facilitate trans...
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