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Output of State-of-the-Art Chatbots

Essay Instructions:


Evaluate the output of state-of-the-art chatbots.


OpenAI is the organization behind the most prominent publically available chatbot:


With a bit of coding based on the available API


I asked OpenAI's chatbots a question that you should be able to answer:

Why was the Industrial Revolution important?

Here is how two versions of the chatbot responded (In each case, the response was capped at 4096 tokens):

1) OpenAI gpt model tex-davinci-003:

The Industrial Revolution was important because it marked a major turning point in history, in which society moved from an agricultural and manual labor-based economy to an industrial and machine-based one.

This shift had far-reaching implications for the way people lived and worked, and it also led to advances in technology and industry that laid the foundation for modern civilization.

2) OpenAI model gpt3.5-turbo:

The Industrial Revolution was important because it brought about significant changes in the economy, society, and technology of many countries. Some of the key benefits of the Industrial Revolution include:

1. Economic growth: The Industrial Revolution led to an increase in economic growth as new industries emerged, creating new jobs and boosting the production of goods and services.

2. Technological advancements: The Industrial Revolution introduced new technologies and innovations that improved transportation, communication, and manufacturing processes.

3. Improvement in living standards: The Industrial Revolution led to an improvement in living standards as people had more access to goods and services, and higher wages led to a better quality of life.

4. Urbanization: The Industrial Revolution led to the growth of cities and urbanization, which created new opportunities for people and increased the demand for goods and services.

5. Globalization: The Industrial Revolution contributed to globalization as new trade routes and manufacturing processes connected countries and regions around the world.

Here is some information on the models used to create the responses



Craft careful responses to the prompts below (in text that you manually produce).

Question responses


Describe the differences between the two outputs. Is one of them better?

[min 200, max 250 words; 2 points]


a) List three important aspects of the Industrial Revolution neither of the chatbot responses mentions.

Briefly describe your choices.

[min 300, max 400 words; 4 points]

b) Include one scholarly citation for each aspect you identify.

[min 300, max 400 words; 3 points]

Short essays -


Speculate on why the chatbots did not include the aspects you have included.

[min 300, max 400 words; 5 points]


Describe how you think generative text creation robots (chatbots) will impact education in the future.

Include advantages and disadvantages.

[min 400, max 500 words; 6 points]


Ask ChatGPT question 4, and compare your response with that of the chatbot.

[min 200, max 300 words; 2 points]


A Word document with:

Your name, major, and the current date

Your answers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Machines, Codes and Cultures
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Machines, Codes and Cultures
Part 1
The difference between the two paragraphs is that one is longer and detailed compared to the other. In addition, the longer paragraph is well organized, which helps to provide the information in a manner that the reader can quickly understand. The information from the gpt model tex-davinci-003, is shorter and provides a general overview of the industrial revolution. On the other hand, the paragraph produced using model gpt3.5-turbo, is longer and more detailed. For example, it indicates the various major characteristics of the industrial revolution, which involves changes in several parts of the world. The model gpt3.5-turbo response is also well organized, which increases the chances of understating the information. It uses bullet points to not key aspects of the industrial revolution, which increases the chances that the reader will remember them later. From the OpenAI website, model gpt3.5-turbo uses a tenth of the cost of gpt model tex-davinci-003. Therefore, the difference in costs may explain the difference in output. As such, model gpt3.5-turbo provided specific information about the industrial revolution, including the changes that occurred. Based on the observed differences above, the second paragraph is better because it is more informative and well=organized compared to the first one.
Part 2
The three important aspects of the industrial revolution that were not included in the responses were enlightenment, government policies, and the environment. Enlightenment involved changes in political and economic systems, that resulted in more freedom to individuals in society (Mokyr, 2011). Enlightenment resulted in people questioning ideas around them, which led to the development of new perspectives that resulted in more progress. For example, questioning how people should be government led to the introduction of democracy. Similarly, questioning the idea of exchanging goods and the economic system, led to the emergence of capitalism. The new perspectives in both political and economic approaches intensified industrial revolution and led to some developed that are still enjoyed in the present day. Another important aspect that was notable during the industrial revolution is the change in government policies (Tullock, 1988). The changes in political and economic system, resulted in changes in policies to accommodate and even align with the new perspectives. For example in the United States, various policies were enacted to facilitate the construction of railroads. In addition, there were various protectionist policies that were enacted in order to protect domestic industries against foreign competition. The policies helped create the current political and economic system that the U.S has enjoyed for several decades. Finally, according to Meisner (2003),. the industrial ly revolution was also accompanied by environmental degradation. Factories that emerged during the industrial revolution caused high levels of different types of pollution. For example, gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and methane among others, were released by factories during production of goods, which cased air pollution. In addition, the factories released chemicals in water bodies, which then affected water and soil quality. Additionally, factory workers living together in cities caused the streets to become unsanitary and created a problem of poor living conditions. Therefore, while the industrial revolution was mainly characterized by various benefits to society, pollution was an important issue that emerged during the period.
Part 3
Chatbots produce different outputs due to different considerations. For example, one key consideration is cost. Currently, chatbots like ChatGPT use a lot of processing power to generate a response. In order to be able to provide them to the masses chatbot companies must resort to using various strategies to lower the cost. As such, cost in AI text generation involves reducing the resources required to provide a response. In this regard, a chatbot that generates a response with the lowest cost tends to produce more information. Based on the OpenAI website model gpt3.5-turbo has been able to reduce its cost to a tenth of the cost of gpt model tex-davinci-003 for a similar task. Con...
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