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The Nanjing Massacre History Essay Research Term Paper

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On December 13, 1937, Japanese Army captured Nanjing and started over six weeks massacre and raped over 80,000 Chinese women. In China, this history has been recorded in the history book to let all students remember it. However, in Japan, people are trying to forget this fact and rewrite some unreal history in their history book. The question brings to this paper is whether the Japanese should remember this history.

Thesis: In my view, the Japanese should accept and face Nanjing holocaust.


The reasons for Japanese should accept and face this history are

 Victims who suffered from this holocaust need a justice.

 Japanese will have a better relationship with China.


Finally, this part will discuss and conclude my opinion again.

The resources: There are two resources that I upload to you, please find another resource which related to the Nanjing Holocaust.

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Nanjing massacre
On December 13, 1937, Japanese Army captured Nanjing and over six weeks of the massacre, over 80,000 Chinese women were raped. In China, this history has been recorded in the history book to let all students remember it. However, in Japan, historians and people are trying to forget the massacre and rewrite some unreal history in their history books. Many people in Japan lost their lives, women were raped and properties were destroyed. Therefore, it is very important for Japanese to accept and face Nanjing holocaust. The Nanjing Holocaust should be revisited and properly addressed, so as to have some closure for the affected nations, Japan and China.
Reasons To Acknowledge It
Some of the reasons why it is important for Japan to accept and face the Nanjing holocaust is because the victims needs to get justice and Japan also needs to build better relations with China. It is very important for those victims who suffered from the massacre to get justice. to seek between vengeance and forgiveness is very difficult especially if the route consists too many bad memories (Minow, 1998). Too much memory is a disease. However forgetting is the extermination part of extermination itself. Victims of Nanjing holocaust have experiences a lot of traumatic events and Japan has a moral right to face and accept the history of Nanjing massacre. In a fair post world war, millions of victims and their generation would have been entitled to compensations. However in 1951 Japan pleaded poor even though the agreement did not rule out that Japan would make payment as it economy recovered.
Additionally, law suits by the state Department should also be filed by some of the U.S servicemen who had suffered abominably by the Japanese prisoners of war camps. In most cases some of these service men were doing most dangerous and unhealthy jobs in the Japanese factories and mines. Toni Morrison, who edited the beloved, narrates some of the suffering people went through during the massacre especially slavery. In Chapter 19 of the book the author considered some of the ways in which slavery corrupts anyone it comes into contact with (Morrison, 2014). It is very important for the Japanese government to acknowledge the war crimes and offer an apology to the people of China and Korea as well.
Non-governmental organizations should be developed in Japan. These organizations can assist in transmitting information and creating the desire of people enrolling as advocates and writers. Such organizations can assist in building of international justice, additionally. A permanent international justice should be created (Minow, 1998). These courts can help fight against crimes of humanity such as rendering justice to the victims of Nanjing Massacre.
Over the past years, China and Japan have not been able to live in harmony after the Nanjing Massacre of 1937. The Japanese government accuses the Chinese government of exaggerating the total number of deaths in that massacre and that the Holocaust is an exaggerated propaganda. Additionally, some of the countries like South Korea and Asia have been dragged into these conflicts. After 80 years, Nanjing holocaust still remains one of the most serious issues concerning the perceptions of the history of the straining relations between China and Japan (Dori Laub, 1978). Japan is termed as the perpetrator, and China, as the victim. In Japan, there are laws that do not allow post-war memories. Some of these bills were meant to offer consolation to the survivors of the massacre who suffer the nightmares of seeing their relatives and friends being slaughtered and raped by the Japanese (Minow, 1998). However, China does not concur with such bills. Therefore it is important for Japan to accept and face the holocaust history because it will act as a consolation to all the traumatized survivors who witnessed their beloved ones raped, tortured and killed.
Some of the citizens still suffer from nightmares of the tragedy and the all ill anytime they try to give accounts of their bloodstained childhood. Accepting and facing Nanjing holocaust will bring a picture of the bad things that happened during that period and their consequences to the new generation (Minow, 1998). Accepting and facing Nanjing holocaust will also prevent possibilities of such attacks happening in the future. China will also be recognized by the rest world for its contribution to World War II.
It is important for Japan to consider compensating victims of the Nanjing massacre. Compensation means that the Japanese government is guilty and sorry for holocaust caused by its army. This will bring Japan and the rest of the nations in Asia close. For any government to maintain good relationship and terms with other countries, it should be able to deal with its mistakes and take responsibility as well. It is true that reconciliation does not come easily without accepting the truth. Therefore Japan should accept the truth and take responsibility for their actions (Smith, 2015). Compensating these victims will create cohesion between the citizens and the government. These victims will feel recognized by the society as well as the government. With time they will be able to fit in the society and enhance economic growth of the country through economic participation and patriotism.
Remembering the Nanjing Massacre Japanese does not mean creating political differences between Japan and China, rather it is a way of reminding people that they should not forget the incident and they should be determined to maintain peace (Smith, 2015). The history of this massacre seems to be changing as years pass by. People are changing the original story of the killings, while others are altering the statistics of those who lost their lives on the incidents. The information should not be altered at any cost. The information should be intact for the future generation to know what transpired and see the importance of maintaining peace. Commemoration of the incidents gives comfort to the people who were affected by the massacre and those who sacrificed their lives to try and end this massacre like the militants. Over the past few years, the number of people trying to fight for justice of the Nanjing massacre seems to be increasing rather than decreasing. Citizens have become more aware and maintaining peace is paramount. Additionally, the Asian government is also trying to fight for the justice of their slaves who died in the mining, heavy industries and bombing of civilian targets in China.
The Japanese government views monetary compensation as one of the methods it can use to compensate the victims of the Nanjing massacre. Conversely, this is not the issue because many families in China seek compensation through an official apology. Both countries have not been able to achieve true justice to the victims of the massacre because many died during the crisis. Some people feel that an apology for their suffering from the Japanese government would be of great importance instead of monetary compensation. However, the Japanese governme...
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