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Assessment of Gorbachev as a Leader and the Reforms He Made

Essay Instructions:

3 pages.

use three sources given below to answer questions. Detail instruction is attached.

1. http://soviethistory(dot)msu(dot)edu/1985-2/perestroika-and-glasnost/perestroika-and-glasnost-texts/gorbachev-proposes-restructuring/

2. http://soviethistory(dot)msu(dot)edu/1985-2/perestroika-and-glasnost/perestroika-and-glasnost-texts/gorbachev-challenges-the-party/

3. http://soviethistory(dot)msu(dot)edu/1985-2/perestroika-and-glasnost/perestroika-and-glasnost-texts/gorbachev-wades-into-kiev-crowd/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Assessment of Gorbachev
An Assessment of Gorbachev
Gorbachev remains to be one of the most renowned leaders in history, with major controversy and varying opinions about his leadership surrounding the man. People remember the political figure for the impact he created through his political actions. Several critics dismissed the man as a failure, and blamed him for causing the Soviet Union to collapse. Other opinions state that the man revolutionized the Soviet Union unlike any other political figure had done since Lenin. There should be no blame or vindication on his part because the outcome of the reforms Gorbachev made outweigh all mistakes and misgiving made. The essay provides an assessment of Gorbachev as a leader, with focus on the reforms the man made during his time.
Gorbachev came into power after the death of Chernenko. The first agenda Gorbachev took up was to launch a campaign that demanded a restructuring of the Soviet economy ("Gorbachev Proposes Restructuring", 2018). The leader emphasized the need for decentralization of accountabilities, and an augmentation of work inducements. Once in motion, Gorbachev realized the need to free up prospects of civic disparagement to implement the program. The leader went on to launch the movement for glasnost ingenuousness, and put great emphasis on the positions the media and intellectuals had to play. After the launch, Gorbachev figured that the misdeeds and criminal activity of the Stalin era needed to be exposed. The administration had covered up for the acts since after the reign of Khrushchev. The exposition was necessary, and the implementation would follow stipulations the party rules provided. Fast forward to the present day, the new system has propelled tangible progress in economic and social aspects ("Gorbachev Proposes Restructuring", 2018). The Soviet Union boasts of a developed economy and a skilled employed population, and there is better organization in the social structure.
Gorbachev encountered several mishaps along the way of reformation. There were a variety of problems with deep roots in the society, which also came with a plethora of inherited unresolved difficulties ("Gorbachev Challenges the Party", 2018). The main reason for the problems was the inability of the leadership to appreciate the necessity for change, which would enable the administration to make maximum use of opportunities the socialist system presented. Changes in policy and implementation of updated policies became impossible due to conservatism, inertia, and an unwillingness to conform from habitual tendencies. The result was an appearance of phenomena the compatriots considered alien to socialism. The phenomena included discrepancies related to the sectors of relationships between social distinctions and races, measures of consumption and labor, ...
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