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Accounting enters the modern world. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

This major is accounting history

You are required to use the following reference sources to write an essay explaining what those sources tell you about your topic and why this would be of interest to a non-accountant.

Reference sources to be included

Your essay must include:

3 peer reviewed journal articles from the readings listed for the module (see the file Accounting history weekly schedule of classes for the list of articles from which you may choose. This file is on Canvas.) You may include a reference to a chapter from the Routledge Companion to Accounting History instead of one of the journal articles.

7 peer reviewed journal articles which are not on the reading list for you

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Accounting Essay
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The article titled The Earliest Known Treatise on Double Entry Bookkeeping by Marino de Raphaeli sheds light on the advantages of bookkeeping, which is all about recording financial transactions. One of the major advantages of bookkeeping is that it helps create, record and maintain accurate financial transactions. The bookkeeping system ranges from the basic level, such as checking the entries of users to viewing deposits and finances, to the advanced or complex system, such as journals and ledgers used by multinational companies and large corporations (Sangster, 2015). For a non-accountant, this article is useful since it contains useful information about how bookkeeping makes the financial transactions easier and better. Whether someone is running an established company or owns a startup, he always has to pay tax and needs to understand the tax requirements, as well as has to keep an eye on his investments and profits. If the business is of a complex nature, then the individual can opt for bookkeeping in order to maintain the record of all financial transactions done on behalf of his company. How a company’s bookkeeping records such as inventory transactions can help achieve success has also been told in this particular source. There are varying types of financial transactions, and a businessman or company owner is always required to know about those transactions, whether he has studied accounting in the past or not. If he is serious about running the business and wants to achieve success, then he has to gain knowledge about transactions related to revenues, sales, tax payments, interest rates, payrolls, and other expenses, as well as investments and loans. Different technical and non-technical topics related to bookkeeping have been discussed in details in this particular source.
In accounting, double-entry bookkeeping is a complex system of bookkeeping in which all the entries to particular account require corresponding and opposite entries to an entirely different account. For instance, if a businessperson, in the initial weeks of his business, invests $100 per week, then it is essential for him to generate up to $110 revenues. The first condition will be called investment and the second will be called profit. The article titled The Genesis of Double Entry Bookkeeping is beneficial for non-accountants since it shares details of how the double-entry has two equal and corresponding sides. Both of these sides are known as credit and debit (Sangster, 2016). The left-hand side is known as debt, and the right-hand side is known as credit. If a balance is not maintained between their values, then the survival of a business may become impossible. Any non-accountant who is interested in learning more about credit and debt can read this article since some examples have been given to make things clear and understandable. It should be noticed that there is no room for flaws or errors when it comes to creating a balance between debt and credit, or investments and profits. If some flaws exist, then the businessman may end up losing some money, and the reputation of the brand is likely to be impacted, leading the customers to turn to alternatives. However, in some situations, satisfying the equation does not mean that there are no flaws or errors; thus, attention should be paid on each and every aspect for long-term and consistent success. From the investment to the loans and from the payroll to the profit, everything has to align with the policies and rules and regulations of the company.
In 2016, an article was published titled Luca Pacioli: Myths, Understandings, Motivation, and Contribution - The Value of Double Entry in which it is clearly mentioned that in the double-entry accounting system, a minimum of two accounting entries are required in order to record financial transactions in a better way (Sangster, 2016). Some of the most common types of entries are the liability, expense, revenue, equity, and asset. The recording of a debit amount to two or more accounts has to be equal to the credit account to two or more accounts, and this will result in the total credits being equal to the total debts for all the accounts in a general ledger. Every person, while visiting a bank or some financial company to transact some money, should remember that these companies display their bookkeeping entries in the form of financial statements. For instance, if an individual goes to the bank for transferring money from one account to another and he requires the proof of the transaction, then this will be provided to him in the form of a financial statement. These statements basically focus on different aspects of the company’s financial activities such as assets or earned revenues, connected expenses and cash flow. After reading this article, an individual can gain knowledge of why and how to check and balance the financial activities of his business. For instance, if his investments are more than the total revenues generated every month, then it may not be possible for him to go on the long path since the business will be pushed behind the competition by its competitors. The only way to achieve success in today’s competitive environment is by finding ways to invest money in things that would give huge profits.
In Choreography of the Past: Accounting and the Writing of Christine de Pizan, the authors have written that Christine de Pisan is one of the most notable and famous female writers of medieval times. She has been famous for her works about women and young girls. Born in 1364 in Italy, she showed much interest in writing poems, memoirs and other similar things. Most of her verses gained success, and this encouraged the writer to write more. In her prose works, Christine de Pizan mainly wrote stories on women’s heroism (Miley & Read, 2017). She studied Latin and Greek as her majors and had access to a wide number of book...
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