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Essay on America Native Americans in the United States

Essay Instructions:

M7A1: Final Paper


Enslaved Africans/African Americans

Native Americans

Your Final Paper will address the following module and course outcomes:

Module Outcome: Conduct research, write, and organize a paper addressing the differing experiences of Americans from the colonial era through the Civil War (CO#6/Gen. Ed. Outcome 4.2, CO#7/History Program Outcome 1)

Course Outcome/History Program Outcome 1: Objectively evaluate a variety of historical sources (primary & secondary) for their credibility, position, and perspective.

Course Outcome/ General Education Outcome 4.2: Interpret and evaluate individual and group differences and similarities and explain how they may be influenced by factors such as race, gender, national origin sexual orientation, age, class, religion and/or disabilities.

In an essay of approximately 5–7 pages (1250–1750 words), excluding title page and references, address the following question:

Some Americans consider their nation’s history as the story of inevitable and ever-increasing freedom and opportunity. For the period from 1492–1867, was this true for all Americans, or only some?


Enslaved Africans/African Americans

Native Americans

As far as possible, your paper should make use of the ideas, sources, and themes that you covered in this course. Your paper should have at least 4–6 sources, including any relevant ones from your module papers. At least two of your sources should be primary sources. Sources should be cited and referenced in either APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Chicago/Turabian (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. format.

For outside material, you can find scholarly secondary sources from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or a primary source from the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or from this list of pre-approved primary source websites in US History (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You should NOT use non-scholarly websites such as Wikipedia. If you have questions about appropriate sources, please contact your instructor.

You should save your paper as a Word file and submit it through the Module 7 dropbox. Your paper is due at the end of Module 7.

Your Final Paper should include:

An introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement outlining your overall argument

Body paragraphs with specific evidence from primary and secondary sources from the course as well as any necessary outside research to support your points

In-text citations and references in APA (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. or Chicago/Turabian (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. style

A conclusion paragraph that synthesizes the information you present and summarizes your main points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essay on America
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In the roughly three centuries since the United States first celebrated its independence, there have been a lot of facilities and opportunities for the citizens to ease their lives. However, in the past, things were not so simple. People were given tough times by their rulers, and their lives became miserable when the right number of jobs was not available to them, and they were pushed behind the competition. The history of America is what happened to our elders living in different parts of the country. Native Americans have lived in North America for thousands of years. In 1608, African-Americans were forced to move to the place which is now known as Jamestown, Virginia. A number of European and Asian settlers went to the colonies, most of which had come from Great Britain and modern day India. In 1765, Spanish and French settlers colonized North America. Ten years later, in 1775, a battle between Britain and the thirteen colonies of the United States initiated, when the colonists showed concerns regarding the changed made by British rulers. Today’s Americans consider the history of the country as a story of inevitable and ever-increasing opportunity and freedom.
Native Americans in the United States
According to Ian Tyrrell, Native Americans or American Indians are the indigenous people of the United States of America, except Hawaii. There are nearly five hundred federally recognized tribes in the country (Tyrrell, 2015). The forefathers of modern Native Americans came to the United States nearly 14,000 years ago. Many of them found it difficult to land jobs of desires and were unable to settle in the colonies of their choice. From 1492 to 1867, a large number of Europeans migrated to the Americas, and this increased the population of the country, caused problems for Native Americans, and led them to raise their voices. Most of them struggled to preserve their culture, identities, histories, and traditions.
In 1585, the English tried their best to settle at Roanoke Island and to accomplish their mission, they began giving tough times to Native Americans. This settlement could not last, and in 1607, the lasting English settlement was made by John Rolfe and his companions in Jamestown, Virginia. Similarly, in 1620, several groups of Englishmen succeeded in settling at Plymouth, Massachusetts. This gave rise to a big colony at Massachusetts Bay, and the Puritans and the Pilgrims showed an interest in establishing better societies. Unlike their elders, they had no interest in finding gold in the mines. In one way or the other, people coming from Great Britain tried to rule Native Americans. In the 1500s, France and Spain built their separate colonies in Florida. Europeans were also settled in New York, which they named as New Netherland (2000).
Some other areas of the country were settled by Swedes, Irish and Germans. In the 17th century, a religious movement came into being, known as the Great Awakening. It was the Great Awakening that led Native Americans to realize the value and worth of freedom. By 1732, up to thirteen colonies were built, Boston, New York, Charleston, and Philadelphia being the major ones. From 1754 to 1762, France and England fought for their lands in the United States, which Americans call the French and Indian War, and it was won by Britain. Right after this battle, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 stated that the colonists would not be able to live in the west of the Appalachian Mountains. Various colonists wanted to migrate to the frontier as soon as possible.
From the 14th century to the mid of 18th century, the population of Indians declined to an extent. Some of the most important contributing factors were epidemic diseases and attacks by Britain. Various Native Americans died because of the lack of immunity to complicated illnesses, which were ...
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