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Chinese History Assignment Paper: Lu Xun Literature Work

Essay Instructions:

During the May Fourth Movement, authors such as Lu Xun (1881-1936) offered a number of radical criticisms of traditional Chinese culture. Discuss the specific institutions and practices that he attacks in the three short stories “Diary of a Madman,” “Kong Yiji,” and “My Old Home.” What does he mean by the phrase “eat people,” and why does he think that Chinese society has become cruel and selfish? Does he offer a positive vision for reform or hold out any hope at all for China's future? What is your evidence for this conclusion?
You may want to include an introduction and conclusion of one-half to three-quarters of a page each and a body of two to two and a half pages.

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Chinese History Paper
Institution Affiliation
Lu Xun literature work criticized the Chinese cultural practices that thwarted the china progress. He fascinated to the removal of the primitive dictatorship, and reconstruction of the country’s institutions. Lu censured the conformists and their firm opinions on the Chinese customs. In addition, he denounced the oppressive morals practiced in the society. He uses metaphors to express his opinions which depict the nature of these principles.
The Madman’s Diary
This story describes an individual who suffered from mental illness, and was able to recognize lunacy in the community. The author uses man-eating activities to depict how Chinese bondage negatively affected the society. The people practiced the culture of feeding on human beings during their ancient time. This act is prehistoric, insincere, brutal and rudimentary; and represents the features of servitude (Ma, 2015). The society was governed by a king during the ancient period, and they practiced feudalism. The leaders subjected their people to oppressive rules, thus undermining their freedoms. The wealthy people forcibly took the property of the poor according to Lu Xun. The psychiatric illness of the character depicted in the narrative represents the tyrannical nature of feudal leadership. The author therefore attacks this style of governance and the repressive practices in China during the prehistoric period.
These exploitive traditions feed on the people, and destroy the future of the society. The dignity and ethics encouraged during that time only supported captivity. The community executed cannibalism since it was legitimate, and the mad person narrates an account of a person who roasted his son and gave him to the king during ancient time. He further explained to the people how Hsu His-lin started revolting, hence murdering a Ching administrator. The murderer’s internal body organs were removed and consumed. The story further explains how a few high ranking political administrators individualizes leadership in feudal style of governance. They heavily penalize their ordinary citizens even in minor cases. This is seen when a person is killed when crop plantation wither. The individual whose plantation failed was referred to as disreputable, although the cause of low yield was natural. These practices are barbaric, oppressive and repugnant, and Lu Xun radically critiqued them (Ma, 2015).
Kung I-Chi
This story explains how Chinese cultural practices rendered many people jobless, thus ruining their future. Individuals who failed to pass a formal test risked losing the government opportunities. They never cared whether an individual had pursued any classics, but the test was mandatory for one to get admitted in public offices. This practice closed the doors of many youths in the society who resulted in criminal activities (Van, 2016).
A good example is Kong who faced the tribulations. After failing the test, he returned back to the streets. He exhausted his available resources until he became penniless, with no one to assist him. Consequently, he became a vagrant to survive the tough life in the society. His career had reached a dead end, and he lost hope in his life. This state of desperation forced him to become a thief. However, he was severely punished by the society for engaging in these criminal activities. This shows how youths are denied job opportunities by their own government through lengthy bureaucracies (Van, 2016). Kong mode of dressing also depicts how the ancient Chinese tradition used to segregate the poor in the society....
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