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Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Write “against” in the subject line of your Discussion post.

The instructor has assign you a position against the issue of diagnosing pediatric bipolar depression disorder.

Based on the position you were assigned, justify whether or not pediatric bipolar depression disorder should be diagnosed.

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Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder
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Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder
Pediatric bipolar depression disorder should not be diagnosed. Bipolar depression is difficult to diagnose in children because the symptoms look significantly different from how the condition manifests in adults (CHADD, 2020). In adults, bipolar disorder emerges through episodes of mania –high energy, elevated mood, grandiosity, overconfidence, and rapid speech – which can go on for weeks or months. However, in small children, rather than the euphoria, children often exhibit intensified irritability and aggression (Miller, 2020). Many scholars agree that relying primarily on the irritable behavior to diagnose pediatric bipolar depression becomes problematic (Miller, 2020). The occurrence of emotional dysregulation often exhibited in pediatric bipolar depression disorder such as tantrums and outburst does occur in many other childhood disorders including ADHD.
Pediatric bipolar depression disorder displays many overlapping symptoms with ADHD. Children with ADHD face difficulties manag...
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