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BHA 415 CA4 INTERNATIONAL POLICY Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:



Assignment Overview

Countries around the world take different approaches to addressing health and health care for their citizens. While developing countries have much different needs than industrialized countries, comparing nations that fall into like categories can provide valuable insight into how to improve health care for a populace. Policy analysts at the Commonwealth Fund found that the United States did not perform well compared to similar countries as reported in their study, Mirror, Mirror 2017: International Comparison Reflects Flaws and Opportunities for Better U.S. Health Care. Five domains were examined in their study: care process, access, administrative efficiency, equity, and health care outcomes.

Case Assignment

After reviewing the background materials and conducting your own research, examine each of these domains. Discuss what they are and how the United States performed. Provide an analysis of what can be learned from other countries to improve the United States’ performance. Be sure that you are citing more than just the Commonwealth Fund report in supporting your analysis.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.

Limit your response to a maximum of 5 pages.

Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources.

Please use the following resource for evaluating information found on the internet: https://www(dot)library(dot)georgetown(dot)edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content

You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

International and Comparative Health Policy: Opportunities & Lessons for the US
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International and Comparative Health Policy: Opportunities & Lessons for the US
The United States of America spends more on healthcare yearly because it has implemented higher technology use and has higher prices than other countries. Yet, they experience the worst outcomes in terms of medical care to their patients. For instance, life expectancy has declined tremendously in recent years for some years after improving for several years("Word health organization website," n.d.). Additionally, in the baby boom generation, most people from the United States live with chronic illnesses and other age-relevant pressure, which have added pressure on the health care system in terms of their response (Schneider et al., 2017).
Most importantly, time and accessibility are crucial factors that have proven effective in mitigating these challenges. However, the United States falls short of these factors, thus failing to deliver the aspired services reliably to all the citizens that should benefit. This paper examines the domains of care processes, access, administrative efficiencies, equity, patient outcome, what they are, and how the United States has performed. Additionally, I also analyze what lessons America can gain from other countries to improve its' healthcare provision performance.
America devotes more of its national income to the health sector in comparison to other OECD nations. The overall spending among OECD countries has stayed the same for the past few decades. For instance, the OECD countries' health spending between 2015 and 2019 was a mean of 8.7 % off the total gross domestic product earned yearly (Tikkannen & Abrams, 2020). However, in America, healthcare spending rose from 16.3 to 17 of the GDP at the same time. The amount of funds a nation uses in healthcare provision varies among countries depending on the political, economic, and social factors. Overall, countries that are wealthier like the United States will spend more on healthcare services than less affluent countries. Healthcare spending mostly depends on utilization, the number of services used, and the amount charged for those services. An increase in either of these factors can lead to a rise in the expense of healthcare. However, in the United States, higher prices are the key reason for the differences in healthcare costs, beaten the country and other wealthier countries (Saltman, 20120. Healthcare in the US much higher comes from a range of factors such as consolidation of hospitals and the inefficiencies derived from the complex national healthcare system of the United States.
Higher healthcare spending can be beneficial if it results in better patient outcomes("Word health organization website," n.d.). However, this is not the case when it comes to the United States. Despite the country having spent higher on healthcare, the health outcomes compared to other developed countries are not any better. The United States performs worse in some metrics, such as life expectancy, life mortality, and chronic illnesses. The life expectancy for the United States in 2017 was 78.7, which is on average more than two years lower compared to the OECD countries and five years shorter than the life expectancy of Switzerland that portrays the most extended lifespan (Tikkannen & Abrams, 2020). Additionally, in the United States, life expectancy masks racial and ethnic differences. Also, reflecting on the shorter life span, the country has the highest rate of suicides, including high overdose and substance use.
This worse health outcomes and the lower life expectancy may also be attributed to the increase of risk factors and disease burdens in the United States (Schneider et al., 2015). More than one-quarter of the adults in the United States have reported cases of one or more chronic conditions. This rate doubled that in the Netherlands and also that in the United Kingdom. Compared to the OECD countries, the country has the highest obesity rate, and the rate is also approximately four times higher than the rate in the Netherlands and Switzerland.
America ranks the lowest of all the nations involved in the scoreboard in terms of access to healthcare. Access in healthcare refers to the timely use of healthcare services to improve the patient's outcome. Access includes gaining entry into the healthcare system, locating a healthcare ...
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