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BHA 370 TD 4/2 STRATEGIC MARKETING Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Strategic Marketing Plan Components and Benefits

Every organization must have a plan of some sort to be successful. Marketing is a vital part of strategic planning, especially when there is a product or service involved in the strategic plan. Identify and discuss important components and benefits of a Strategic Marketing plan. In your discussion, identify how marketing and strategic functions mutually support healthcare activities.

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Strategic Marketing
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Strategic Marketing Plan
Generally, all strategic plans should stem from a comprehensive assessment of an organization, such as a hospital. The evaluation will reveal the real situation in the internal and external environment. Consequently, after a thorough assessment, a proper plan can be executed. A practical and successful strategic marketing plan follows the nine significant steps. These steps are essential to make a well-organized (Beckham, 2016).
The following are the essential components of strategic planning and their accompanying benefits: 1) Goal setting. As usual, plans should be realistic and measurable. Additionally, it is best to have a plan achievable within an intermediate period within eighteen to twenty-four months. This period permits the planner to properly design the organization's activities and its members that are in line with the marketing goals.; 2) Doing a marketing audit. This step provides an overview of all the marketing activities within the institution for a specific period. The leader in this step must be meticulous enough to review all the aspects such as advertisements and announcements. By doing this, the organization can adjust its expenses based on marketing goals.; 3) Conducting and analyzing the research. This step recognizes the lapses of the institution in its community. Here, the administrator will be able to understand what went right and wrong at a particular time. Moreover, this will help determine the best marketing strategy that qualifies the needs of the people in a community.; 4) Identifying the target audience. For instance, the hospital is an orthopedic center. Hence, the target audience is most likely athletes, people with congenital abnormalities, and the older population. This step will make it easier for the organization to endorse its services.; 5) Budgeting. Typically, around three to five percent of the insti...
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