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The Value of Comparative Policy Analysis to Health Policy Development

Essay Instructions:

The Value of Comparative Policy Analysis

After reviewing the background materials and doing your own research, discuss the value in looking at other countries’ policy successes and failures. How can it be beneficial to health policy development in our own country?

Be sure to support your answer with citations from reliable sources.

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The Value of Comparative Policy Analysis
The most important thing that a government would look after and continuously put good investment is its medical field and facilities. This is the most crucial field that creates endless demands for its extensive research, facilities that upgrade according to the innovated technologies, and enhancement of the medical staff's learning to conquer the advancement of technologies. By these things, the state’s medical field and the rest of the private-owned medical hospitals or clinics will become globally competitive. It is obvious how other countries are emerging in their medical field, which they have made a name throughout the world. These countries are named: Sweden, Norway, Germany, North Korea, Netherlands, and many more to mention (Saltman, 2012).
These medically advanced countries have already gained trust around the world. One thing that can gain trust is worldwide known for its unusual way of treating patients; it makes people from far or distant countries travel to avail the hospital’s offered services, even though their place has medical facilities. The value that can be acquired by researching other countries’ policies for success is that it gives good insight and perspective to the researcher. This will become a good basis for the conduct of new research, which will benefit more the country’s medical field. A country's success regarding their medical institution, facilities, or the whole system is evidence of an acceptable policy that the organization has planned and put into practice. Indeed, it may be used as an excellent application to my country’s medical organization. On the other hand, looking at the policies of other countries that have caused a toll on them is also beneficial and helpful to my country since it will mark t...
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