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The Value of Comparative Policy Analysis

Essay Instructions:

The Value of Comparative Policy Analysis

After reviewing the background materials and doing your own research, discuss the value in looking at other countries’ policy successes and failures. How can it be beneficial to health policy development in our own country?

Be sure to support your answer with citations from reliable sources.

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Over the years, comparative studies have become crucial in the policy change of a particular country, especially in health care. Through these studies, the events taking place elsewhere are being reflected. Despite the cultural differences and existing organizational structure, comparative studies can serve as a guide to identify similar strategies and techniques across countries with different national contexts.
There is no denying the fact of how other countries are bombarded with various kinds of information. Discoveries of new drugs and claims of the effectiveness of various procedures and devices travel globally with electronic speed. However, in healthcare, it is noticeable that there is an imbalance between the flow of information and the capacity for the application of such knowledge. The current trend of the world involves interconnected nations. It is why policy-makers must engage in comparative studies to know more about other countries' healthcare policies and apply them to their own to operate better.
A perfect example of this is the universal health insurance of Canada. For many observers, this served as a model of achievement in which several policy-makers seek and studied. Better ways are learned and applied by healthcare policy-makers by knowing foreign strategies and being exposed to their practices. In this way, it can lead policy-makers to illumination and innovation. Through careful observation of others' systems, comparative studies make it possible for these health-related policies to be incorporated, modified, or be experimental in one's domain (Marmor, Freeman, & Okma, 2009).
International comparison of policies in the medical field serves several purposes and benefits. Firstly, through cross-national analysis, comparison enables one to assess and understand better the situation of their healthcare organization. By having another context to compare to, one can better evaluate the circumstances, such as identifying the problems and exploring other options to address such problems. Moreover, co...
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