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Bodybuilding Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typedDescribe the factors that contribute to muscle hypertrophy. When designing a training program to optimize muscle hypertrophy, what steps can you take to make sure that each factor is accounted for? Your answer should be at least 250 words.

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More often, bodybuilding entails muscle gain and loss of fat. The muscle gain is described as muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy results from specific physical exercise practices and procedures. Muscles within the body contract upon receiving the motor neuron signal. The increased frequency of impulse transmission through the motor neurons excites muscle contractility, leading to enhanced strengths and muscle hypertrophy. In some instances, someone may not gain muscle gain or hypertrophy, but his or her muscle developed strength due to the constant activation of motor neurons to contract muscles.
Muscle hypertrophy results from stimulation to grow. Muscle tissues are remarkably adaptable. The adaptability is defined by its capacity to grow when subjected to stress like weight lifting and can also undergo atrophy, i.e., become smaller when it is not subjected to physical stress, primarily when a person is confined to bed rest without limit mobility and exercise.
Muscle tension is such an example of a factor that determines muscle hypertrophy. Muscle tensions occur when the muscle tissues get more overloaded than usual by weights. Such an overload from weights, stress, and physical pressures send signals to muscle tissues to increase their proliferation and increase muscle fibers' fusions, leading to the formation of more contractile proteins, making fiber muscle larger. Such tensions and pressure on muscle to form hypertrophy result from the concentric phase of movement where contract muscle during physical resistance exercise and relax or lengthen during the eccentric phase. When weight is lowered, the specific targeted muscle maintains tension to oppose the force of gravity. The concentric and eccentric phase of muscle contraction exposes muscles to tension. The eccentric portion of the movement places more pressure on the muscle than the concentric or shortening phase. The tension is usually proportional to weight. An exposure to heavier weights leads to greater resistance, which means that heavy resistance equates to more tension and stress on target muscles. However, it must be noted that only a particular level of tension is required ...
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