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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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BHA 415 TD3 Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

For the discussion, we will be reviewing the “For Your Consideration” box on page 122 of the Shi text. Shi states that we should care about vulnerable populations because of the following items:

Vulnerable populations have greater health needs.

The prevalence of vulnerability is influenced [by] and therefore should be remedied by social forces.

Vulnerability is fundamentally linked with national resources.

Vulnerability and equity cannot coexist.

After reviewing this and the required background reading (and doing any additional research) discuss your thoughts on these items. As Shi asks, “Are these points valid?” (p. 122) How does this affect health administrators?

Be sure to cite reliable sources in support of your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion Questions
Institution Affiliation:
Discussion Questions
This is a review and validation of points highlighted by Shi on the need to care for the vulnerable populations in work titled “For Your Consideration.” It also illustrates how the issues affect health administrators.
Vulnerable populations have higher health needs.
Vulnerable populations, such as low-income earners and undocumented immigrants, have more significant health needs in the United States. Federal government-funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid exclude these groups from their services, limiting their healthcare access. Besides, there is a neglect of their legal rights in the health sector. Consequently, Safe-net steps in to address this group’s plight by filling the gap left by the Federal government’s neglect in making healthcare services available to them (Berlinger et al., 2017). Therefore, this population has a risk of simple ailments progressing to advance due to inadequate medical facilities. Most of the diseases are never diagnosed at the early stages.
The prevalence of vulnerability gets influenced [by] and should be remedied by social forces.
The prevalence of vulnerability draws some influence from the Federal government. For instance, the Trump administration increased the benefits to non-citizens and immigrants, which, if they explore, makes it hard for them to become U.S. citizens. Some of the services include access to health insurance through the Medicare program (The Hastings Center, 2017). However, for fear of complicating U.S. citizenship chances, most green card applicants fear enrolling to get the expanded benefits. Consequently, the disadvantaged green card lottery applicants and U.S. non-citizens end up getting insufficient medical attention. Besides, low-income immigrants do not qualify for Medicare health insurance (The Hastings Center, 2017). Therefore, most suffer in silence and only go to healthcare facilities when very ill. Consequently, most develop more fatal health co...
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