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BHA 415 SLP4 INTERNATIONAL POLICY Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:



The World Health Organization (WHO) is instrumental in monitoring the health of people, including special populations, around the world. With input from countries, WHO establishes goals and benchmarks for health goals.

Review the background reading for this module and conduct your own research. After you have done so, write a position paper on the importance of having a global body that monitors health, helps guide international policy, and helps establish country-level benchmarks.

Be sure to cite reliable sources and utilize the reference below for setting up your paper. You must use the outline in the reference below.

Reference: Xavier University Library. (2014). How to write a position paper. Retrieved from http://www(dot)xavier(dot)edu/library/students/documents/position_paper.pdf

SLP Assignment Expectations

Limit your response to no more than 4 pages.

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.

Support your proposal with a minimum of 3 reliable sources. At least 2 of the sources should be peer-reviewed articles. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php

Please use the following resource for evaluating information found on the internet: https://www(dot)library(dot)georgetown(dot)edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content

You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

World Health Organization
as an
International Governing Body
CONCLUSION Introduction
The world has several continents that have regions, countries, cities, and communities in it. Also, the world is vast and diverse. The complexities of the world's systems are beyond each areas' knowledge aside from the people of that area. Each community, countries, or regions have their respective systems and policies to follow. These policies allow them to control the movement within their jurisdiction. However, having separate systems does not guarantee the harmonious cohabitation of people on earth. Although our governments separately manage us, there is still a need for a much larger governing body to regulate the movements between areas. While our governments and public service entities put efforts into regulating the citizens, world organizations would regulate the exchange of actions and discussions between countries or areas. One of the governing bodies that regulate international interactions is the World Health Organization (Ruger & Yach, 2009).
World Health Organization is a connecting body of the United Nations in terms of international health policy. This organization mainly provides international health protocols, policies, and actions necessary for a needing country. Their mandate is to assist areas that are lacking in medical care and the health system. They also create policies that United Nations members should follow when dealing with an international health crisis. They have regional offices in member countries of the United Nations and deal with the area's health demand. In this paper, let us look at the World Health Organization role in the time of a pandemic. Because a virus has rapidly spread globally, almost all countries are affected by the health crisis. World Health Organization holds a unique role when the world experiences a common health crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. World Health Organization
Late last year, 2019, a virus from a bat has struck a city in China. It was identified as the coronavirus that causes respiratory infections and diseases. The news signaled the neighboring cities and countries of China to do precautionary measures such as travel restrictions. However, at the beginning of 2020, cases of coronavirus infections have been recorded in different parts of the globe. Since then, the cases have continued to multiply and even led to the deaths of millions across the world. The rapid spread of the virus has led the World Health Organization to announce, around March of 2020, that the virus infection has become a pandemic that affects and contaminates the world's health systems (Ducharme, 2020).
Because of the situation, the World Health Organization has taken its role as the standard health system reference for the world's health systems (who.int). The pandemic asks the world's cooperation to contain the spread of the virus. There is a need for people to stay in their respective places, halt business operations, follow health protocols, and wear precautionary equipment like PPEs, masks, and face shields. However, these policies and protocols should be able to be followed all over the world so that no life is compromised. With that, the World Health Organization acts in the middle of the situation. The organization has continued to give medical updates on the development of the coronavirus in the body. It also ensures the fast approval of vaccines and appropriate medication for COVID patients. World Health Organization has been engaged in monitoring the movement of coronavirus updates from each co...
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