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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Describe the different types of curvatures that can affect the vertebral column

Essay Instructions:

Write a 400-Apa word essay describing the different types of curvatures that can affect the vertebral column.


Explain the cause and treatment if any of each.


Assignments should conform to APA format, making sure to cite the associated reading/resource.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Types of Spine Curvature Disorders
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Types of Spine Curvature Disorders
The spine is made of tiny bones packed in discs, and they are well aligned on top of each other. From a side view of the human backbone, the spine is seen to have curves, which is vital for stress absorption. The spine is said to have disorders when the curvatures of the spine are not well aligned. There are three types of disorders that the spine is likely to suffer from scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis.
Scoliosis is a type of disorder where an individual's spine has a sideways curve, and it normally has an S or C shape ( Delle et al.,2016). A big percentage of scoliosis cases do not have an identifiable cause, and the disorder is diagnosed in the first seven years of a young person. The most common causes of these conditions are; genetic conditions, congenital disabilities, and neurological abnormalities. The small percent of scoliosis conditions that doctors have been able to identify their cause are neurological and congenital scoliosis. Congenital scoliosis is where the spine deforms at birth, while neurological scoliosis is caused by nerve abnormalities that affect the spine muscles. Scoliosis can also be classified as structural or nonstructural, where structural scoliosis is caused by an injury, birth defect, or disease. In contrast, nonstructural scoliosis curves are temporary and can be corrected. Treatment for scoliosis is surgery for serious cases, and mild cases, exercise. S...
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