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Stages Of Bone Development

Essay Instructions:

Write a 400-Apa word essay describing the stages of bone development.

Assignments should conform to APA format, making sure to cite the associated reading/resource.

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Stages of Bone Development
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Stages of Bone Development
In human beings, bone development starts when the collagenous mesenchyme flesh is replaced by bone, normally a woven bone with collagen fibers randomly placed. The woven bone is later reformed to a mature bone called the lamellar bone and has rings of collagen that are parallel and regular. The last process is the lamellar bone being reformed by osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Concerning how the bone develops, bones' formation is divided into two sections, the intramembranous and the endochondral bone ossification.
The endochondral bone ossification is when the hyaline cartilage is replaced with bone. The process starts when mesenchyme cells change to form chondrocytes (Aghajanian, & Mohan,2018). The chondrocytes multiply fast and produce an extracellular matrix, which includes the cartilage pattern of the bone. The cartilage pattern has the perichondrium, the membrane that surrounds the cartilage, and the hyaline cartilage with the shape as that of the future bone. Chondrocytes close to the core of the bony pattern start to go through hypertrophy and begin collagen X addition. The chondrocytes also add extra fibronectin to the matrix they form, which allows calcium formation. The calcium prevents nutrients from contacting the chondrocytes causing them to go through apoptosis.
The cells start to die, and they create a vacuum in the template of the cartilage, allowing the blood vessels to come in (Aghajania...
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