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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Tracking Health Habits

Essay Instructions:

follow the guide to accompany with health habit 1 to complete health habit 2


Part 2 (Week 8)


For the second part of your Health Habit Project, you are going to discuss your progress. You will provide data you have collected, or a clear summary of the data if your collection methods include documentation (i.e. personal journal entries) that you would rather not share with me. Given your experience so far, you will determine if you need to make any adjustments to your goal and/or tracking and measurement methods. Part of this analysis will include, as it did in the first part, acknowledging barriers and identifying resources. You will also have space to engage in open-ended reflection about the process.


Include at least one course concept, with a definition/explanation, and one piece of supporting information or evidence in your reflection. Where and how you incorporate these components is entirely up to you.


Progress update

  • How’s it going so far?

    • Have you been able to consistently stay on track with the plan you created for yourself?

    • Has this project been moved to the “back burner” as you focus on the many demands of school, work, family, friends, and daily life?

  • How are you feeling about your progress or lack thereof?

  • Are you motivated to either continue with your goal, re-commit to the effort, or try again with some modifications? It’s okay if the answer is no! The purpose here is thoughtful reflection.


Data measurement and tracking methods

  • Include the data you have collected so far, if possible and if you feel comfortable doing so. You can simply summarize the information if that is necessary or preferable for you.

  • How are your measurement and tracking methods working?

    • Are they realistic? Have you been able to use them consistently without much trouble?

    • Are they valid? Do they seem to be measuring the variables you intend to measure?

      • Do you need to revise any of your operational definitions from the first project?

    • Explain changes you will make to your methods, if they have not been effective.



  • What barriers have you encountered, if any?

    • How will you navigate these barriers going forward?

  • What resources have you utilized in your efforts to achieve your goal? Have they helped?

    • Or, are there resources that could be helpful that you have not yet utilized?



  • How has this process aligned with your expectations when you completed the first project during Week 2 of the semester?

    • Has it been easier? More challenging?

    • Is there anything that has surprised you about the experience?

  • Take this opportunity to discuss your experience of health-related behavior change in ways that were not addressed by preceding prompts.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Health Habit
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Professor’s Name
Submission Date
Health Habit
Keeping track of a health habit aiming at cutting it down is very challenging. My journey with cigarette smoking is not easy, either. The most challenging part of my project is the consistency that I have not managed to keep. Sometimes, I lose track of the routine that I was supposed to maintain. My biggest challenge is multitasking. Whenever I am busy with other work like school assignments, I do not keep count of the cigarettes I smoke and end up smoking more. My performance in other activities has been affected because I concentrate on my health habit project. On the other hand, I backslide on my project when I focus on the additional responsibilities. I am not satisfied with my progress so far, but I am glad I am trying. The challenges that I go through in the project motivate me to keep going. I believe that a man should sacrifice for better results, which is why I am ready to sacrifice for the sake of my health. I aim to beat the challenges and become consistent in my project.
Measuring, recording, and keeping track of my practice is the biggest of the challenges. I believe my methods are realistic and achievable. In the first two weeks, I continued my habit, usually recording the average number of cigarettes I smoke per week. I would later use this number from the third week to calculate my improvement index because this wee...
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