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Theories of Aging

Essay Instructions:

-Define aging from biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories.

-Develop nursing interventions based on the psychosocial issues and biologic changes associated with

older adulthood.

-Discuss several nursing implications for each of the major biologic, sociologic, and psychological

theories of aging.

-Based on your experience what health promotion strategies would you recommend to facilitate

successful aging?

Essay should be formatted per current APA style, Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions), referenced according to current APA style.

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Theories of Aging
Theories of aging simply help to ensure a deeper understanding of the concept of aging. Aging is not a complex concept. It means becoming or growing older. However, as simple as it is, it is crucial to understand some of the workings or details of aging. For the above reason, theories were coined to help shed light on the concept of aging. These theories are biological, sociological, and psychological. Biological theories help to explain the biological or tissue changes that take place as people are growing older. Sociological theories, on the other hand, help to explain the social aspect as it changes with old age. For example, social interactions undergo a few changes as people find it difficult to maintain the same energy and do the same things to enhance their social lives. Lastly, psychological theories help to expound on the mental changes that take place. Understanding these changes, as described by these theories, is crucial to help ensure that nursing interventions are administered from the point of knowledge.
Theories of Aging
Aging is becoming older, and it entails the physical, psychological, and social accumulation of changes in the human being. Various things in the occurring changes represent it. For example, aged people have a slow reaction to activities and diverse knowledge and wisdom on world events (Bengtson & Settersten, 2016). Besides, most of the events they prove knowledgeable about have occurred in their time of living, and they have first-hand information on every bit of the recorded activities. The mystery of aging is complex, considering the witnessed changes in the process. However, theorists have come up with biological, sociologic, and psychological concepts to explain and pave the way for people to understand the process in the required manner.
Psychological theories
They focus on the promotion of healthy aging and the prevention of diseases. Although it would be almost impossible to prevent diseases in the aging population, issues such as mental disorders could be delayed by ensuring a conducive environment that could support healthy aging (Bengtson & Settersten, 2016). Thus, psychological theorists provide necessary information on the excellent interventions to ensure adaptation to health issues that occur and become more prevalent in the aging process.
Sociologic theories
The social theories of aging identify the anticipated progressions from young to midlife engagement to older live activities, depending on social factors. While some aged people may desire to remain active in social factors, they cannot fit in the issues because they eventually get different meanings and focus on older life (Bengtson & Settersten, 2016). The theories emphasize the fact that people isolate from previously enjoyed social interactions based on age.
Biologic theories
According to these theories, aging originates from switching on and off specific genes in the human body. Recurring activities affect the body leading to biological changes that iterate change in the body, as manifested by aging.
Nursing interventions based on psychosocial and biologic changes associated with older adults
Psychosocial changes in aging focus on behavior, attitude, and...
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