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Pathological Conditions in Older Adults Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

-Describe and discuss the pathological conditions that might affect the sexual responses in older adults.

-How and why do you think Nutritional factors, psychological factors, drugs and complementary and alternative medications affect the immune system in older adults.

Essay should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Pathological Conditions in Older Adults
Pathological Conditions That Might Affect Sexual Responses in Older Adults
The increased life expectancy leads to significant numbers of people in the aging population. Merghati-Khoei et al. (2016) argue a high prevalence of chronic diseases in the demographic. The health issues impact the health of the elderly negatively, especially their sexuality. Although the sexual health of the elderly is significantly affected by pathological conditions, it is highly overlooked in most societies. According to Merghati-Khoei et al. (2016), no one, including health care practitioners, is concerned with the sexuality of the elderly. The population suffers dysfunctions that their communities do not give attention to eradicate. A study conducted by Merghati-Khoei et al. (2016) based on physical, psychological, cultural, and social reveals that diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, and chronic respiratory ailments are some of the major diseases that affect the sexuality of the elderly. They influence their standard health and eventually reduce their sexual capacity depending on their severity and continuous growth and dominance in the body.
The iteration of sexual inability impacts the elderly’s sexual life. Most of the individuals lack sexual desire, leading to a lack of sexual significance. Besides, the desire to engage in an activity is vital in every human. The chronic diseases among the elderly influence their sexual expressions and responses negatively. Consequently, the impacts affect their mood and energy (Merghati-Khoei et al., 2016). The negative effect on sexuality does not only entail the aspect but also their mental health. They get into grief and depression moments due to the inabilities (Merghati-Khoei et al., 2016). In most cases, the affected individuals lose self-confidence due to the changes occurring to their bodies. Consequently, the elderly adults affected to enter into self-concept phases that lead to reduce self-esteem and eventual lack of trust in themselves. On the other hand, the factors affecting elderly sexuality entail cultural and mythical beliefs relating to age, ailments, fear, and insecurity, considering the changed physical appearance (Merghati-Khoei et a...
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