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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Impacts of Constraints in Skilled Nursing Facilities: Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Answer these questions to Skilled Nursing Facility regarding these constraints: People, P&P, Service and Equipment, Regulation, Reimbursement, Competition

1.What kind of impact do the constraints (listed above) have on your selected service line?

2.How important is each constraint?

3.Does the constraints apply to other LTC service lines?

4.Are there other internal and external constraints that you feel apply to your selected service line?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Impacts of Constraints in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Impacts of Constraints in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Skilled nursing facilities continue to face various constraints in their operations. Although the issue could look mere, it affects the professionals working in the nursing facilities and the consumers seeking services from them. According to Corredor-Waldron (2018), a nationwide survey conducted in the United States shows that the business models' strains iterate to higher fees than expected to the consumers. The issue affects the populations that should be receiving care in the facilities since not all of the people can afford the required payments in the edited models. “The median annual charge for a semi-private nursing home room ticked up 4.1%, to about $89,000 this year. And private nursing homes meanwhile, inched up 3%, to about $100,000,” (Corredor-Walron, 2018). The significant recorded increments will make it almost impossible for most elderly and disabled individuals to access the skilled nursing facilities for help.
The problems witnessed in skilled nursing facilities originate from constraints including people, policy and procedures, service and equipment, regulation, reimbursement, and competition. Knowing the limitations leads to the understanding that they relate to one another, and the occurrence of one could potentially introduce the other. The changing policies and procedures in modern healthcare settings demand change in the implementation of activities. The difference is made to ensure correlation with the current requirements (Corredor-Waldron, 2018). People have also changed to have different expectations regarding health procedures, and any facility working below the anticipations is justified wrong. Therefore, skilled nursing facilities are significantly impact...
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