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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Future as a Healthcare Professional

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Part 1
One of the concepts that I believe is crucial and will continually be relevant in my life or in my future career as a healthcare professional is health-related behaviors. Health-related behaviors mainly include the habits or behaviors of people that positively or negatively impact their overall wellbeing. Every day, people make choices and do things that seem normal or well within what the world considers normal. However, what many do not know is that these choices often impact their health and overall functioning. Simple choices like getting enough sleep, having the right people around, and eating a balanced diet negatively impact people’s health mainly because they are ignored. People do not understand that changing a simple attribute like the number of hours one gets at night could influence their productivity at work the following day. I find the concept of health-related behaviors quite underrated and hence the reason why I believe it will never cease to be relevant in my life.
The concept of health-related behaviors is important in my life because many of the diseases and issues affecting people today result from the choices we make every day. It is a known fact that the right diet and lifestyle changes could reduce certain chronic diseases. However, every year, the world loses millions through these same diseases, even though this information is quite obvious. It breaks my heart to see young children struggle with...
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