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Strategy Map for Cleveland Clinic Florida. Health, Medicine Essay

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Please see all 5 attachments. The assignment is of week 5. It is a continuation of week 4 assignment. If you need the answer of week 4 I can send it to you. Write from the hospital and patients standpoint.


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Strategy Map for Cleveland Clinic Florida
Institutional Affiliation
Strategy Map for Cleveland Clinic Florida
Patient safety has become one of the major concerns for the health care sector. According to Ordons, Heiland, and You (2015), safety reporting is one of the primary approaches that can be used to improve the safety of patients. Safety reporting cannot however, succeed without the management team having strategic plans that work together to realize the common goal of maximizing patients’ safety. Patient safety is a general term that applies for the whole facility while at the same time applying to the individual attention that health care providers attach to each patient within the facility. When discussing patient’s safety and medication errors, one cannot ignore the role of nurses. Registered nurses are present in almost every health institution. While they play a significant role in working alongside physicians and helping in prescribing and caring for patients, there have been cases where registered nurses have been accused of contributing to deaths associated to medication errors (MEs).
Elden and Ismail (2015) define medication errors as any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication. Medication errors may occur in the presence or absence of a physician due to miscommunication that may lead to misinterpretation of information by the person prescribing or administering drugs. Ordons, Heiland, and You (2015) further explain that MEs have multiple origins, calling for collective approaches in addressing their causes. As a result, Cleveland Clinic Florida has to take into consideration the origin of MEs before addressing them. MEs are costly to the hospital as they undermine the profession of the caregiver and the hospital at large, especially today where health care sector is dealing with informed clients. Clients assume that all errors are avoidable. This is relatively true because hospitals can put correct mechanisms in place to make sure that nurses and other stakeholders within the hospital are well-informed on the hospital’s mission and vision. The hospital then sets goals and objectives that align to its mission with the intent of maximizing patient experience while at the same time enhancing the quality of care for patients.
In the process of minimizing MEs, Daft (2017) explain that traditional approaches of supervising employees has been transformed into a new and efficient approach of enabling employees. Enabling is a collective managerial process that seeks to make employees take responsibility for their actions while at the same time empowering them for innova...
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